A logging driver for docker
This is a docker logging plugin in its simplest form. You can compile and build the plugin from source and install it using the following 3 steps.
Since the Dockerfile uses scratch image, you need to cross compile the code for linux with all the dependencies installed
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o docker-logging-driver .
Build an image:
$ docker build -t docker-logging-plugin .
Create a temporary container:
$ docker container create —name tmp docker-logging-plugin
Create a plugin directory to put compiled resources:
$ mkdir -p ./plugin/rootfs
Export rootfs to the plugin directory:
$ docker container export tmp | tar -x -C ./plugin/rootfs
$ cp config.json ./plugin/
$ ls ./plugin
config.json rootfs/
$ docker plugin create jayantsinha/docker-logging-plugin ./plugin
$docker plugin ls
1f8cc6367162 jayantsinha/docker-logging-plugin:latest jsonfilelog as plugin false