Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for node, providing high performance "plugins" known as middleware.
Connect is bundled with over 20 commonly used middleware, including a logger, session support, cookie parser, and more. Be sure to view the 2.x documentation.
var connect = require('connect')
, http = require('http');
var app = connect()
.use(connect.session({ secret: 'my secret here' }))
.use(function(req, res){
res.end('Hello from Connect!\n');
- basicAuth
- bodyParser
- compress
- cookieParser
- cookieSession
- csrf
- directory
- errorHandler
- favicon
- json
- limit
- logger
- methodOverride
- multipart
- urlencoded
- query
- responseTime
- session
- static
- staticCache
- subdomains
- vhost
$ npm install -d
$ make test
Connect < 1.x
is compatible with node 0.2.x
Connect 1.x
is compatible with node 0.4.x
Connect 2.x
is compatible with node 0.6.x
Connect (master) is compatible with node 0.8.x
View the LICENSE file. The Silk icons used by the directory
middleware created by/copyright of FAMFAMFAM.