A very primitive type of recommender system
The data for this assignment will be the MovieLens dataset MovieLens
There are four parts to this assignment
Write a MapReduce job to compute the frequency of co-occurrence for every pair of movies that receive a "High" ranking from the same user (the frequency is the number of users that give this ranking to both of the movies). High ranking corresponds to a 4 or a 5 ranking in the ratings file. You must do this using the 'pairs' and the 'stripes' approach (Lin & Dyer's book). Use different sizes of the dataset to obtain a graph similar to Figure 3.10 in the book. Then, output the most frequent 20 pairs by using the movie names in the movie data file (not the IDs)
Modify your program above to compute the conditional probability P(B/A) where A,B are movies. (This is exactly what Lin calls relative frequency.). Use the 'pairs' approach to do this. And output the names (both A and B) of the movies whose conditional probability exceeds 0.8. (This can be used as a primitive way to recommend movie B to customers that rent movie A and like it.). Graph the time needed for this vs. size of the dataset.
Further modify your programs to compute the lift between two movies. (Recall that lift(AB)=P(AB)/(P(A)*P(B))=P(A|B)/P(A)) Again, plot the time vs. size graph, and output pairs whose lift is greater than 1.5 (What does this mean?)
Use the SON algorithm in MapReduce to compute all itemsets (groups of movies) that frequently receive high ranking by users. Tune your support so that the output is not overwhelming