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Datastax Card Fraud Prevention Demo - Solr ReST Queries

The supplied Express-based Solr ReST interface provides a number of representative queries against the transaction table and roll-up/aggregate data tables.

||| describe the solr cores - creation/edit/deletion

Use the following URL's (substituting the external address of your server and the port number you used when you started the Express Server) to run the queries shown.

The results will be returned in JSON format suitable for consumption by an external system.

CQL Queries On The Transactions Table

1. List all the card transactions across all cards and vendors

List all the card transactions across all cards and vendors in the TRANSACTIONS table: http://[server_IP:Express_port]/transactions

SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions;

Solr Queries On The Transactions Table

2. List all transactions over a specified amount

Retrieve data for all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table where the amount is greater than a specified value http://[server_IP:Express_port]/transactionsover?amount=1000

SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions WHERE solr_query = '{"q":"*:*",  "fq":"amount:[1000 TO *]"}';

3. List all rejected transactions

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table where status="Rejected" http://[server_IP:Express_port]/rejectedtransactions

SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions WHERE solr_query='{"q":"status: Rejected"}';

4. List all transactions faceted by merchant

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table, faceted by merchant http://[server_IP:Express_port]/transactionsfacetedbymerchant

SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions WHERE solr_query='{"q":"*:*", "facet":{"field":"merchant"}}';

5. List all transaction success ratio (faceted by status) in the last period e.g. minute

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table, faceted by status, over the last year/month/minute http://[server_IP:Express_port]/transactionsbystatusinlast?period=MINUTE

SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions WHERE solr_query = '{"q":"*:*",  "fq":"txn_time:[NOW-1DAY TO *]","facet":{"field":"status"}}';

6. List all transaction success ratio (faceted by status) for a specified card in the last period e.g. year

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table, faceted by status, for the specified card number and period


SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions where solr_query = '{"q":"cc_no:123*",  "fq":"txn_time:[NOW-1MINUTE TO *]","facet":{"field":"status"}}';

7. List all transactions for a specific card

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table for a specified card number (optional wild card)


SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions where solr_query='{"q":"cc_no:123*"}';

8. List all fraudulent transactions for a specific card

Retrieve all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table tagged as "Fraudulent" for a specified card number


SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions where solr_query='{"q":"cc_no:123412*", "fq":["tags:Fraudulent"]}';

9. List all fraudulent transactions for a specified period-to-date

Retrieve data for all transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table tagged as "Fraudulent" over the last year


SELECT * FROM rtfap.transactions where solr_query = '{"q":"*:*", "fq":["txn_time:[NOW-1YEAR TO *]", "tags:Fraudulent"]}';

CQL Queries On The Roll-Up Tables

10. List all transactions for a merchant on a specified day

Retrieve data for all transactions for the specified day in the DAILYTXNS_BYMERCHANT rollup table where the merchant = "GAP" http://[server_IP:Express_port]/dailytransactionsbymerchant?merchant=Safeway&day=20161123

SELECT * FROM rtfap.dailytxns_bymerchant WHERE merchant='Safeway' AND day=20161123;

11. List aggregated purchase history for a specific card and year

Retrieve data for all transactions for the specified year in the YEARLYAGGREGATES_BYCC rollup table where the card number = "1234123412341235" http://[server_IP:Express_port]/yearlytransactionsbycard/1234123412341235/2016

SELECT * FROM rtfap.yearlyaggregates_bycc WHERE cc_no='1234123412341235' AND year=2016;

12. Rolling transaction success ratio and count, by minute and hour

Retrieve a rolling ratio of successful transactions and transaction count over the previous minute and hour http://[server_IP:port]/transactionsapprovalbydate/201603270521

SELECT approved_rate_hr, approved_txn_hr, approved_rate_min, approved_txn_min FROM rtfap.txn_count_min WHERE year=2016 AND month=3 AND day=27 AND hour=5 AND minute=22;