The TopoWx code library is provided to facilitate community-driven improvement of topoclimatic datasets. It is not meant to be a 'user-friendly' end-user application. TopoWx has been tested on Linux (CentOS 5.x,6.x) and MacOSX. The main code library is provided in the twx Python package and can be installed via the script:
python install
if you just plan to run TopoWx and not modify the library, or
python develop
if you plan to modify the TopoWx library.
Example python scripts for using twx are provided in the bin directory. These scripts were used to build the 1948-present gridded temperature dataset for the conterminous U.S. described by Oyler et al. (2014).
Below are the required dependencies for the twx package. Version numbers represent the version of the library used in producing the 1948-present gridded temperature dataset for the conterminous U.S. Older or newer versions may work, but have not been fully tested.
- fiona 1.5.1
- gdal 1.11.2
- matplotlib 1.4.3 (basemap toolkit 1.0.7)
- mpi4py 1.3.1
- netCDF4 1.1.8 (netCDF 4.3.2, HDF5 1.8.14)
- numpy 1.9.2
- pandas 0.16.2
- pyproj 1.9.4
- rpy2 2.6.0 (R version 3.2.0)
- scipy 0.15.1
- shapely 1.5.8
- statsmodels 0.6.1
- tzwhere 1.0
- xray 0.5.2
- changepoint 1.1.5
- gstat 1.0-25
- norm 1.0-9.5
- pcaMethods 1.58.0
- sp 1.1-1