Congrats on making it to the Mod 0 Final Prep! Complete the final exercises below and be sure to carefully follow the Pull Request steps to submit your work!
You've learned a ton about some of the core foundations of Javascript! Show us how far you've come by completing the following exercises! You will be using your work from these exercises in your first day of Mod 1!
- Complete the Mod Zero Hero Challenge
- Complete the Annotation Challenge
Mentorship is an integral part of the Turing experience and will help jumpstart your technical career. In order to get your mentor relationship started on the right foot, please complete the following deliverables:
- Complete the Mentorship DTR Prep
- Add link to your gist here:
You've learned a lot about how to take strong notes during Mod 0. Show us your skills while you learn how to pre-teach content for your first lesson in Mod 1!
- Complete the Pre Teaching Practice exercise gist
- Add a link to your gist here:
As part of Turing's project-based learning approach, you will often be working in pairs or larger groups. In order to set yourself (and your team) up for success, it is important to ensure you are prepared to be an equitable contributor and teammate.
- Complete the DTR Guiding Questions
- Add a link to your gist here:
When you have completed ALL the activities described above, follow the steps below to submit your technical prework.
- Go to your prework repository on GitHub
- Click on
New Pull Request
per the image below:
2. On the Pull Request page, make sure you see something similar to below (but with your username):
3. Click on `Create New Pull Request` (circled in the image above). 4. Enter `YOUR NAME` as the title of the pull request, and click `Create pull request` as shown below:
- Please complete the form to submit your prework available here. Be sure to include links for your Gear Up pre-work gist and your technical pre-work GitHub repository. The link to your technical pre-work GitHub repository will be in the format (using your own GitHub username)
Depending on if you are in Section A or B, you have anywhere between 1.5-3.5 weeks before you start Mod 1. This is an important time to take care of life things such as doctor appointments, dog park trips, quality time with friends and family, etc. It is also important that you maintain the knowledge and skills you acquired during Mod 0 and this pre-work. You can absolutely do both, but to do so successfully, you need a plan. We recommend spending, on average, 1-2 hours a day coding (totally 20-40 hours of time).
What is your plan and how are you going to hold yourself to it? Specifically...
- What are you going to work on? Resources here
- What days are you going to work?
- What times on those days are you going to work?
- Where you going to be sitting/standing as you do this?
- Where are you documenting this plan? Google Calendar, calendar on your wall, your journal?
- Do any stakeholders in your life know about this plan? (The answer needs to be yes by the time you answer this...)
- What personal items/events are important to you during this time? How are you going to make sure those are not neglected? (Hint, block time on the calendar for them!)
If you're interested in challenging yourself even more and getting a step ahead in your coding abilities before your first day, we recommend working on either: