Hello, I would like to request that the app be able to parse Hierarchical tags. What I mean by Hierarchical tags is the function in calibre where you can nest tags under other tags by using a period (.) separator (i,e: Fantasy.Magic).
As it is right now, a calibre tag of "Fantasy.Magic" shows up in the Calibre-Web Category browser under the Letter "F" for Fantasy rather than "M" for Magic.
This makes it rather difficult to search for some tags as there is a lot of them that fall under the "Fantasy" parent tag and some are even nested under several more levels, and you would need to know the whole hierarchy to properly find it.
Additionally, when listing tags in the book details page, it displays the full tag path for each tag, taking up a lot of space:
What I would like to see is that the app would separately display tags for each level of the hierarchy under their respective letters in the Categories browser and collapse the displayed tags in the book details page to the bottom 1 or 2 levels of the hierarchy in a cleaner format, with maybe hover text displaying the full path (i.e: for Fantasy.Otherworld.Isekai, just display "Otherworld > Isekai" or just "Isekai" on the book details page.