🔥 GitHub contribution streak & stat tracking menu bar app
Download the latest version of Streaker from the GitHub releases page. (currently macOS & Windows only, track work for Linux support in #2)
Coming soon, track progress in #138
- Contribution stats from the menu bar 📈
- Best streak
- Current streak
- Best contributions (in a single day)
- Current contributions (today)
- Total contributions (this year)
- Menu bar icon changes depending on contribution status
- Empty - You haven't contributed today, your streak is in danger 😱
- Filled - You have contributed today, your streak is secure 😊
- Crown - You're on your best streak! 🤩
- Two different menu bar icon themes
- Flame 🔥
- Octocat 🐙
- Reminder notification so you don't lose your streak ⏰
- streaker-cli - 🔥 GitHub contribution streak & stat tracking CLI app
- contribution - 🗓 GitHub contribution streak & stat fetcher with zero dependencies