Hi there! This is a portfolio containing a sample of my past project work.
Software used: Access, Excel, LaTex, Python, R, SAS, SQL (Oracle SQL Developer and SQLite3), and Visual Basic.
If interested in any, I suggest taking a look at the corresponding Word document(s) and/or PowerPoint for a given project.
The files are grouped as follows: Billie Eilish Project followed by projects ordered by software used in alphabetical order.
Predictive Modeling Project:
- Billie Eilish Project (Excel/R/SAS):
- BillieEilish_OriginalDataset.xlsx - table definition, original dataset, other tables, and PivotTable and PivotChart
- BillieConCorona.csv - condensed workbook with just the regression data
- BillieEilish.pptx - presentation of said data
- BillieEilish.R - R code
- BillieEilish.sas - equivalent SAS code for some parts in addition to stepwise selection models
Access/Visual Basic Project:
- Personal Concert Database: Created a personal concert database in Access with custom forms & reports, a macro to create a calculated field, and a form to locate concert venues with options for filtering by venue(s) and choosing a report view.
- CIS208_F2019_Data_Aniciete.accdb - Access database
- CIS208_F2019_Project_Aniciete.docx - Project report including business case, pseudocode, VBA code, and testing
LaTex - Sample of Mathematical Writing:
- The Ultra Deluxe Set Essay: Essay about the Ultra Deluxe Set, a set of infinitely many unpainted cubes, where the n-th block has side length 1/sqrt(n). Analyzes convergence/divergence of the set, the ability to paint said set with ordinary vs. a special paint with regards to the set's volume, and an examination of Gabriel's Horn.
- Essay 2 Final Draft.pdf - PDF file of essay
- Essay 2 Final Draft.tex - LaTex file to produce the essay
Python Projects:
- Lab 5: Pick 3 simulator with a Fireball option
- CSC 157 LAB 5.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- Lottery.py - Source code
- Lab 7: used a Student class, various student objects, logic, and files to process students’ grades
- CSC 157 LAB 7.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- student.py - Source code
- data.txt - Data used by the code
- Lab 8: Modified a GUI program (tkContacts.py) that will allow one to add, update, delete, and load contacts from a list defined in another py file (contacts.py).
- CSC 157 Lab 8.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- tkContacts.py - Source code
- contacts.py - Contact list data
- Lab 12: Create a program that lets a user search for flights based on inputted variables using a class, pickling, military time, sorting, and filtering.
- CSC 157 LAB 12.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- CSC 157 Lab 12.py - Source code
- flights.py - Class file for the class entitled flights
- Lab 13: Program with a menu for performing matrix operations, which are done via user-defined functions) and utilizes exception handling.
- CSC 157 LAB 13.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- CSC_157_Lab_13.py - Source code
- Lab 15: Reconfigure Lab 8 to work with a SQLite database.
- CSC 157 LAB 15.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots.
- myDatabasefile.py - Source code
- tkContacts_LAB15.py - Reconfigured version of Lab 8 source code to accomodate a SQLite database. May need to rename to tkContacts.py after downloading or adjust code to account for the different file name.
- contacts.py - Contact list data
- Lab 16: Examined an application that simulates business intelligence for a music store
- CSC 157 LAB 16.docx - Responses to lab assignment questions, code snippets, and corresponding output snapshots
- CSC_157_Lab_16.py - Source code
R Project:
- Analyzing widgets data: Made a R-Markdown report, analyzing widgets data. Worked with matrices, data frames, random sampling, outliers, and customized plots (histograms, boxplots, Q-Q plots, ggplots, and interaction plots).
- Project 4-5 Milestone 2.Rmd - Corresponding R-Markdown file
- Project_4-5_Milestone_2.html.zip - Corresponding HTML file
SAS Projects:
- Multiple Regression: Analyzed a multiple regression model’s collinearity and assumptions based on house pricing data. Then, transformed via Box-Cox Transformation and implemented backward selection.
- 481 Project 1.docx - Project report with analysis and SAS output snapshots along with SAS source code
- Dataset_175-348.xlsx - Dataset
- 2-Way ANOVA Mixed-Effect Model: Studied the impact of oil pattern and the effects of a bowler on the score after a game of bowling by using a mixed model where oil pattern is fixed and bowler is random.
- wpba2009_v2.xlsx - Dataset
- Project 2.docx - Analysis of the dataset
- 481 Project 2.sas - SAS code
SQL Projects:
- Final Exam:
- SQL Project.docx - Final exam project with snippets of code and corresponding output.
- The50states.sql - Source code
- Sedgwick Project:
- CIS 143 SPECIAL PROJECT SEDGWICK.docx - Responses to project questions with snapshots of code and resulting output
- SEDGWICK_COURSE - Table of course information
- SEDGWICK_INSTRUCTOR.sql - Table of instructor information
- SEDGWICK_STUDENT.sql - Table of student information
- SedgwickProject.sql - Project SQL code
Visual Basic Projects:
- Access/Excel -- SQL-based Report Generation: Display reports in Access based on user input for either (1) the first letter in a person's last name or (2) the last updated date, using SQL select statements, along with report display options. Also includes some Excel VBA code that uses If...Then...Elsif...Else satements and Select Case statements to query a table with SQL select statements.
- Aniciete_CIS208_Assignment 8_2019Fall.doc - Questions along with code descriptions and responses
- TripHW8.accdb - Corresponding Access file with VBA modules
- Assignment8.xls - Corresponding Excel file with VBA modules
- Excel -- Simple and Compound Interest calculations displayed in Excel: Takes user-inputted values for PV, duration, type of interest, and interest rate and computes the future value. Then, it displays all values on the active sheet.
- W7 Discussion.docx - Corresponding code and description are highlighted.
- W7 Discussion.xlsm - Excel file with the corresponding module named Post
- Girl Scout Cookie Ordering Module: Module in a Word document that replicates ordering girl scout cookies. Uses labels to make exiting the ordering screen without ordering cookies harder to replicate the aggressiveness of some girl scouts.
- W9 Discussion.doc - View the highlighted text in the document and the module named InitialPost