In order to deploy the newest version of PyTestArch to PyPI, the following steps are required:
Create a new release branch based on the current main
Run all tests just to be safe.
Each PR should come with an update of the changelog. Make sure that all recent features/bug fixes/... are mentioned in the changelog. If they are not, update the changelog and open a PR for this first.
In according to what you just specified in the changelog, run
poetry version [patch/minor/major]
to set the package version.
Open a PR for the changes you just made.
Once your PR has been approved and your changes have been merged into main, update your main branch.
Then create a git tag for the release via
git tag v<insert new version>
Then share the tag via
git push origin v<insert new version>
Run mike deploy --push --update-aliases <insert new version> latest
. This will update the project's documentation
hosted on GitHub Pages.
Create a release via GitHub. This will trigger the Release
GitHub Action, which will push the newest version to PyPI.