Not licensed by or affiliated with Activision or Call of Duty
- Full Black Ops 4 Support - blackout, mp, zombies
- Get profile information - prestige, rank, xp, and more...
- Get recent matches and stats - map, mode, win/loss, kills, deaths, SPM, K/D Ratio, and more...
- Get leaderboard information - weekly, monthly, alltime, for all game modes
You can install via the npm package manager
npm i cod-api
Or clone the repository and install dependencies
git clone
import { BO4 } from 'cod-api'
const username = 'Consisttt'; // username
const platform = 'psn'; // psn | xbl | battle
// Retrieve Raw Responses
BO4.getRawMultiplayerStats(username, platform)
.then(multiplayerStats => {
BO4.getRawBlackoutStats(username, platform)
.then(blackoutStats => {
BO4.getRawZombiesStats(username, platform)
.then(zombiesStats => {
const start = new Date(/*start time*/);
const end = new Date(/*end time*/);
BO4.getRawMultiplayerMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matchesStats => {
BO4.getRawZombiesMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matchesStats => {
BO4.getRawBlackoutMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matchesStats => {
// Specific Methods
BO4.getLifetimeMultiplayerStats(username, platform)
.then(lifetime => {
const totalKills = data.all.kills;
BO4.getWeeklyMultiplayerStats(username, platform)
.then(weekly => {
const weeklyWins = data.all.wins;
BO4.getOverallZombiesStats(username, platform)
.then(data => {
const totalKills = data.kills;
BO4.getOverallBlackoutStats(username, platform)
.then(data => {
const blackoutWins = data.wins;
BO4.getMultiplayerMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matches => {
const [ match ] = matches;
BO4.getBlackoutMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matches => {
const [ match ] = matches;
BO4.getZombiesMatchesStats({ username, platform, start, end })
.then(matches => {
const [ match ] = matches;
These endpoints are not yet populated with data on the official call of duty api:
- getSoloBlackoutStats
- getDuoBlackoutStats
- getQuadBlackoutStats
import { LegacyCOD } from 'cod-api';
LegacyCOD.getProfile({ title, platform, username })
.then(response => {
// Do something...
.catch(err => {
// Do something with this error
Sample Output:
{ title: 'wwii',
platform: 'psn',
username: 'Consisttt',
{ lifetime: { all: [Object], mode: [Object] },
weekly: { all: [Object], mode: [Object] },
level: 42,
maxLevel: 0,
levelXpRemainder: 26990,
levelXpGained: 13010,
prestige: 5,
prestigeId: 0,
maxPrestige: 0 },
{ lifetime: { all: {}, mode: {} },
weekly: { all: {}, mode: {} } },
engagement: null }
import { LegacyCOD } from 'cod-api';
LegacyCOD.getRecentMatches({ title, platform, username, days })
.then(response => {
// Do something...
.catch(err => {
// Do something with this error
Sample Output:
[ { utcStartSeconds: 1518474308,
utcEndSeconds: 1518474994,
duration: 685,
map: 'mp_france_village',
mode: 'hp',
result: 'none',
winningTeam: 'allies',
privateMatch: false,
gameBattle: false,
playlistName: null,
{ awards: [Object],
team: 'axis',
rank: 41,
prestige: 5,
loadouts: [Object]
{ kills: 0,
shotsMissed: 634,
kdRatio: 0,
distanceTravelled: 90335.734375,
divisionXpMountain: 0,
accuracy: 0.25323910482921086,
divisionXpExpeditionary: 0,
divisionXpInfantry: 0,
divisionXpArmored: 0,
shotsLanded: 215,
divisionXpAirborne: 0,
avgSpeed: 174.0572967529297,
avgKillDistance: 465.7652587890625,
score: 6900,
totalXp: 4000,
timePlayed: 685.9,
headshots: 0,
divisionXpNone: 0,
assists: 10,
divisionXpResistance: 0,
shotsFired: 849,
deaths: 0
import { LegacyCOD } from 'cod-api';
LegacyCOD.getRecentSummary({ title, platform, username, days })
.then(response => {
// Do something...
.catch(err => {
// Do something with this error
Sample Output:
{ all:
{ kills: 88,
distanceTravelled: 529676.67578125,
divisionXpMountain: 0,
accuracy: 0.255205688166582,
divisionXpExpeditionary: 0,
losses: 1,
shotsLanded: 1005,
score: 30885,
totalXp: 85200,
headshots: 5,
assists: 52,
divisionXpResistance: 4275,
scorePerMinute: 194.1486157311611,
deaths: 50,
wins: 4,
shotsMissed: 2933,
kdRatio: 1.76,
divisionXpInfantry: 0,
divisionXpArmored: 0,
divisionXpAirborne: 0,
avgSpeed: 1541.1485290527344,
avgKillDistance: 4201.184417724609,
timePlayed: 9544.75,
matchesPlayed: 12,
divisionXpNone: 0,
shotsFired: 3938
import { LegacyCOD } from 'cod-api';
LegacyCOD.getLeaderboards({ title, platform, time, type, mode, username })
.then(response => {
// Do something...
.catch(err => {
// Do something with this error
Sample Output:
{ title: 'wwii',
platform: 'psn',
leaderboardType: 'core',
gameMode: 'war',
page: 3969,
resultsRequested: 20,
totalPages: 288978,
sort: null,
[ 'prestige',
'timePlayed' ],
[ { rank: 79361,
username: 'itsESPALDINHO79',
updateTime: 294760,
rating: 5972,
values: [Object] },
{ rank: 79380,
username: 'Consisttt',
updateTime: 7900,
rating: 5972,
values: [Object] } ] }
This project is licensed under the MIT License