Multiple cursors in Neovim which work how you expect. Now with help pages! :h multicursor
- Visual and select modes with char/line/block selections
- Normal, insert, replace modes
- Undo/redo
- Virtualedit
- Autocompletion
- Snippet expansion (use
) - Cursor specific registers for searching and yanking
- Match & split cursor selections with regex
- Transpose cursor selections
- Align cursor columns
- Easily extended with the Cursor API
- Works with most plugins and remaps
branch = "1.0",
config = function()
local mc = require("multicursor-nvim")
local set = vim.keymap.set
-- Add or skip cursor above/below the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<up>",
function() mc.lineAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<down>",
function() mc.lineAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><up>",
function() mc.lineSkipCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><down>",
function() mc.lineSkipCursor(1) end)
-- Add or skip adding a new cursor by matching word/selection
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>n",
function() mc.matchAddCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>s",
function() mc.matchSkipCursor(1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>N",
function() mc.matchAddCursor(-1) end)
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>S",
function() mc.matchSkipCursor(-1) end)
-- Add all matches in the document
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>A", mc.matchAllAddCursors)
-- You can also add cursors with any motion you prefer:
-- set("n", "<right>", function()
-- mc.addCursor("w")
-- end)
-- set("n", "<leader><right>", function()
-- mc.skipCursor("w")
-- end)
-- Rotate the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<left>", mc.nextCursor)
set({"n", "v"}, "<right>", mc.prevCursor)
-- Delete the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader>x", mc.deleteCursor)
-- Add and remove cursors with control + left click.
set("n", "<c-leftmouse>", mc.handleMouse)
-- Easy way to add and remove cursors using the main cursor.
set({"n", "v"}, "<c-q>", mc.toggleCursor)
-- Clone every cursor and disable the originals.
set({"n", "v"}, "<leader><c-q>", mc.duplicateCursors)
set("n", "<esc>", function()
if not mc.cursorsEnabled() then
elseif mc.hasCursors() then
-- Default <esc> handler.
-- bring back cursors if you accidentally clear them
set("n", "<leader>gv", mc.restoreCursors)
-- Align cursor columns.
set("n", "<leader>a", mc.alignCursors)
-- Split visual selections by regex.
set("v", "S", mc.splitCursors)
-- Append/insert for each line of visual selections.
set("v", "I", mc.insertVisual)
set("v", "A", mc.appendVisual)
-- match new cursors within visual selections by regex.
set("v", "M", mc.matchCursors)
-- Rotate visual selection contents.
set("v", "<leader>t",
function() mc.transposeCursors(1) end)
set("v", "<leader>T",
function() mc.transposeCursors(-1) end)
-- Jumplist support
set({"v", "n"}, "<c-i>", mc.jumpForward)
set({"v", "n"}, "<c-o>", mc.jumpBackward)
-- Customize how cursors look.
local hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl
hl(0, "MultiCursorCursor", { link = "Cursor" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledCursor", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledVisual", { link = "Visual" })
hl(0, "MultiCursorDisabledSign", { link = "SignColumn"})
This section explains the basic usage of multicursor.nvim with the default config.
- You can add cursors above/below the current cursor with
. - You can skip a line with
. - You can match the word/selection under the cursor forwards or backwards with
. - You can skip a match forwards or backwards using
. - You can add and remove cursors using the mouse with
- You can rotate through cursors with
. - You can delete the current cursor using
- You can disable cursors with
, which means only the main cursor moves. - You can also press
to duplicate cursors, disabling the originals. - When cursors are disabled, you can press
to add a cursor under the main cursor. - You can press
to enable cursors again.
- Once you have your cursors, you use vim normally as you would with a single cursor.
- You can press
to align cursor columns. - You can press
to split a visual selection by regex into multiple selections. - You can press
to run a regex within your visual selection, creating a new cursor for each match. - You can press
to transpose visual selections, which means the text within each visual selection will be rotated between cursors.
- When you want to collapse your cursors back into one, press
All of the provided features are implemented using the Cursor API, which is
accessible for writing your own complex multi-cursor logic. You can view
the docs at :h multicursor-api