The receipt-manger-webapp image gets built automatically using the Docker Hub. The installation is very simple. First pull the image from Docker hub.
docker pull dielee/receipt-manager-webapp:latest
After, you need to start the MYSQL container.
docker run -d --name receiptDB -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=receiptData -e MYSQL_USER=receiptParser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=receiptParser2021! -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=true mysql:latest
Finally, you can start the receipt-parser-webapp.
docker run -d --network host --name "receipt-manager-webapp" -v /your/path/onDockerHost/ssl:/app/webroot/ssl -v /your/path/onDockerHost/config:/app/config -e backendIP="backendIP" -e backendPort="5558" -e useSSL="false" dielee/receipt-manager-webapp:latest
After the docker container is running, open the website, go to settings, and configure all open settings.
- Download the latest release
- Unzip release and fill in settings into config.yml
On linux, install unixODBC and ghostscript:
sudo apt-get install unixodbc-dev ghostscript
After installing ghostscript, run this to allow PDF conversion (more infos here:
sed 's/rights="none" pattern="PDF"/rights="read | write" pattern="PDF"/g' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml -i
On Windows, install ghostscript to enable PDF conversion from
Install python dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Depending if you use linux or windows, (in src/) execute:
On Linux:
On Windows:
python .\
The OCR module is not required but if you wish, do:
- Install receipt parser server: Install Guide
- Disable https from parser server in config.yml