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File metadata and controls

83 lines (71 loc) · 4.47 KB

Getting Started


Utilizing this library is extremely simple. Assuming you have the library code installed under the directory "rest" within your application (i.e. "rest/"), you would add the following to your main application code:

import rest

# add a handler for "rest" calls
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
  <... existing webservice urls ...>
  ('/rest/.*', rest.Dispatcher)
], ...)

# configure the rest dispatcher to know what prefix to expect on request urls
rest.Dispatcher.base_url = "/rest"

# add all models from the current module, and/or...
# add all models from some other module, and/or...
# add specific models
  "foo": FooModel,
  "bar": BarModel})
# add specific models (with given names) and restrict the supported methods
  'foo' : (FooModel, rest.READ_ONLY_MODEL_METHODS),
  'bar' : (BarModel, ['GET_METADATA', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT'],
  'cache' : (CacheModel, ['GET', 'DELETE'] })

# optionally use custom authentication/authorization
rest.Dispatcher.authenticator = MyAuthenticator()
rest.Dispatcher.authorizer = MyAuthorizer()

For some example implementations of custom authentication and authorization see ExampleAuthenticator and ExampleAuthorizer.

Client Usage

Once this server has been installed in your application, the basic usage is as follows (assuming you installed the REST API with the url prefix "/rest" as shown above).

  • Metadata Browsing
    • GET http://<service>/rest/metadata
      • Gets all known types
    • GET http://<service>/rest/metadata/<typeName>
      • Gets the <typeName> type profile (as XML Schema). (If the model is an Expando model, the schema will include an "any" element).
  • Object Manipulation
    • GET http://<service>/rest/<typeName>
      • Gets the first page of <typeName> instances (number returned per page is defined by server). The returned list element will contain an "offset" attribute. If it has a value, that is the next offset to use to retrieve more results. If it is empty, there are no more results.
    • GET http://<service>/rest/<typeName>?offset=50
      • Gets the page of <typeName> instances starting at offset 50 (0 based numbering). The offset should generally be filled in from a previous request.
    • GET http://<service>/rest/<typeName>?<queryTerm>[&<queryTerm>]
      • Gets a page of <typeName> instances using a query filter created from the given query terms (with offset features mentioned above).
        • Multiple query terms will be AND'ed together to create the filter.
        • A query filter term has the structure: f<op>_<propertyName>=<value>
          • Examples:
            • "" means include instances where the value of the "author" property is equal to ""
            • "flt_count=37&fin_content=value1,value2" means include instances where the value of the "count" property greater than "37" and the value of the content property is "value1" or "value2"
        • Available operations:
          • "feq_" -> "equal to"
          • "flt_" -> "less than"
          • "fgt_" -> "greater than"
          • "fle_" -> "less than or equal to"
          • "fge_" -> "greater than or equal to"
          • "fne_" -> "not equal to"
          • "fin_" -> "in <commaSeparatedList>"
        • Blob and Text properties may not be used in a query filter
    • GET http://<service>/rest/<typeName>/<key>
      • Gets the single <typeName> instance with the given <key>
    • POST http://<service>/rest/<typeName>
      • Create new <typeName> instance using the posted data which should adhere to the XML Schema for the type
      • Returns the key of the new instance by default. With "?type=full" at the end of the url, returns the entire updated instance like a GET request.
    • POST http://<service>/rest/<typeName>/<key>
      • Partial update of the existing <typeName> instance with the given <key>. Will only modify fields included in the posted xml data.
      • (Returns same as previous request)
    • PUT http://<service>/rest/<typeName>/<key>
      • Complete replacement of the existing <typeName> instance with the given <key>
      • (Returns same as previous request)
    • DELETE http://<service>/rest/<typeName>/<key>
      • Delete the existing <typeName> instance