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This document explores some issues around P4Runtime translation, and how to define types in P4_16 programs so that there are explainable predictable rules for determining what type to use for any expression that is a key of a P4 table.

A set of tiny programs that illustrate the questions

This directory contains 4 very similar P4_16 programs.

They should contain nothing surprising, except they define 3 type types for Ethernet, IPv4, and "AndyCustom" addresses. I created the AndyCustom addresses just to be another custom type on which one might want P4Runtime translation support, and they are also 32 bits wide, like IPv4 addresses.

So ideally -- ideally for P4 developer convenience, but not necessarily the convenience of P4 compiler/control-plane-API developers -- one might want to be able to do arithmetic on two 32-bit values, one with type IPv4Addr_t, the other with type AndyCustomAddr_t, and you would like to use as few casts as possible.

The differences between those 4 programs are only in a handful of lines. I'd recommend reading and understanding one of them, then just doing 'diff' between pairs of them to see what the few lines are that differ.

Numbers 1 through 3 can all be compiled using the 2020-Mar version of the open source p4c compiler, and two of the variants generate custom types for a table key, whereas the other uses bit<32>, just as an example of what is possible and legal today according to the spec and existing open source implementation. P4Info info files generated by today's p4c are also published here.

All of those 3 use multiple casts to get the job done.

Now look at number 4, which has no casts, and the comments above it. It does not compile, because it tries to do arithmetic on two values with different types.

Even if it were legal, what would you say the type of the table key should be?

I only see these two possibilities available, but there might be others I am not thinking of right now:

  • we need to disallow that program 4 from being legal


  • we need a deterministic rule to predict for all expressions that might legally be used as a table key, what its type should be in the auto-generated control plane API. It is possible to make such deterministic rules, but what do you propose they should be?

The P4_16 language specification version 1.2.0 answers

The current answer to the questions asked at the end of the previous section in the P4_16 language specification, version 1.2.0, is basically:

  • Every type definition creates its own unique type, and each type is its own "island" of values. To get from one "island" to another, you must use a cast.

Before the type keyword was introduced to P4_16, it was already the case that types bit<15> and bit<16> were their own separate "islands", too (and introducing the type keyword did not change that).

By "island" I mean the following:

  • You cannot do operations like +, -, <<, >>, ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >, etc. if one operand is of type bit<15> and the other is of type bit<16>. It is a compile time error to attempt to do so.

  • You can get from one of these islands to the other with an explicit cast.

When the type keyword was introduced, effectively a type MyWord_t defined as type bit<16> MyWord_t became its own "island", separate from bit<16>, requiring a cast to get from one island to the other, in either direction.

While I played a role in defining things this way, I can't say that I was particularly happy about the result. I felt like it was one solution that definitely required more casts to perform operations on such values as compared to what a P4 developer would be likely to find convenient, but it has the advantage of making the rules fairly straightforward to explain, and to enforce using a P4 compiler. It does require more cast operations than are convenient when writing code, but only when doing arithmetic operations on values of values with types created via type definitions.

Fishing around for another solution, approach #1

It would be nice if we could find another solution that was straightforward to explain, and to enforce using a P4 compiler, but did not require as many casts.

Here are some thoughts in that direction that haven't been thought through for very long, but seem like they might potentially lead to something workable.

I am going to focus on values of type bit<W> for any W >= 1, and types created using a type definition, where their base type is bit<W> for some W >= 1. I am assuming for now that int<W> and bit<W> will remain separate "islands" from each other, requiring a cast to get between them.

The basic idea is to allow many expressions that contain a mix of values with type bit<W> and one or more types defined via type with a base type of bit<W> having the same value of W. Some of them will require a cast to inform the compiler what the resulting type of the entire expression is, but some of them will not.

Assume the following variable definitions in the example expressions below:

type bit<32> A;
type bit<32> B;
type bit<32> C;

bit<32> u1;
bit<32> u2;
A a1;
A a2;
B b1;
B b2;
C c1;
C c2;

Consider all operations allowed on values of type bit<32>, which I will attempt to create a complete list.

In the "Proposed type" column, "-" means that no change from the version 1.2.0 language specification result type is proposed.

The approach here is:

  • If all of the types involved in an expression are bit<32>, the result today is bit<32>, and it will still be in this proposal.
  • If all of the types involved are A, or some mix of at least one A and zero or more bit<32>, the result is A. Similarly if you replace A with B or any other type defined based on bit<32>.
  • If there is at least two different types like A and B involved, at least one cast is required. It is sufficient to provide a single cast for the entire expression, and that will be the type of the resulting expression. A developer is allowed to provide appropriate casts for subexpressions, too, if they wish, and that subexpression is treated according to these rules on its own first, then that subexpression is treated as if it is that type when determining whether the enclosing expression is correct, and if so, what its type is.
Expression P4_16 v1.2.0 type Proposed type Notes
-u1 bit<32> --
-a1 error A Only type A involved, so result is type A
u1 + u2 bit<32> -- only type bit<32> involved
u1 + a1 error A only type A and bit<32> involved, so result is A
a1 + u1 error A similar to previous line
a1 + a2 error A only type A involved
a1 + b1 error error mix of type A and B involved, so requires a cast
(A) (a1 + b1) error A single (A) cast makes the entire expression type A
(B) (a1 + b1) error B single (B) cast makes the entire expression type B
(C) (a1 + b1) error C C is not the type of any of the operands involved, but type C is the same base type as the others, so a single explicit cast on the whole expression is enough to make it type C
(B) (a1 + b1 + a2 + b2 + u1) error B similar to previous line

These operators:

  • -, *, |+|, |-|, &, |, ^

work the same way as for binary +. Replacing any or all occurrences of binary + operators in the expressions above with those operators gives the same results.

These operators:

  • unary +, ~

works the same as for unary -.

For comparison operators:

  • == != < <= > >=

as long as left and right operands are any of bit<32>, A, and/or B, the result is of type boolean, and the result is defined the same as if all operands were cast to type bit<32>.

concatenation ++: One idea would be to allow both operands to be bit<W>, or any type defined with a base type of bit<W>, and it behaves as if all operands were cast to their base type of bit<W>. This is the opposite "direction" of type conversion as the other binary operators above, because a derived type like type bit<32> A must be exactly 32 bits wide, so concatenating it with anything else produces a wider result that cannot be type A.

slice [m:l]: One idea would be to allow this, and if the slice contained all bits of the operand, the result is the same type as the operand. If the slice leaves out any bits of the operand, the result is type bit<W> where W=m-l+1. This is the opposite direction of type conversion as the binary operators above, for the same reason as given for the ++ operator.

shifts <<, >>: The result is the same type as the left operand.

Ternary operator (boolean expression) ? <expression1> : <expression2> is treated like binary + above -- if both expression1 and expression2 are bit<32>, the result is bit<32>. If both are A, the result is A. If one is A and the other bit<32>, the result is A. If one is A and the other B, then an explicit cast is required to determine the resulting type.

For the examples below, here is a repeat of the definitions that are in place before those expressions occur.

type bit<32> A;
type bit<32> B;
type bit<32> C;

bit<32> u1;
bit<32> u2;
A a1;
A a2;
B b1;
B b2;
C c1;
C c2;


Expression P4_16 v1.2.0 type Proposed type Notes
(a1 > 5) ? b1 : c1 error error b1 and c1 have different types, so cast is required to determine the type of the result
(bit<32>) ((a1 > 5) ? b1 : c1) error bit<32> The single cast on the whole expression deterimines the result type
(bit<31>) ((a1 > 5) ? b1 : c1) error error The explicit cast bit<31> is not the same width as the width of b1 and c1, so this is an error.
(bit<31>) (bit<32>) ((a1 > 5) ? b1 : c1) error bit<31> Just as for P4_16 before, you can do multiple successive casts, as long as they are done in a correct sequence.
-((u1 + 5) << 5) bit<32> bit<32> Nothing new here. Just an existing correct example according to version 1.2.0 spec as context for the next example.
-((a1 + 5) << 5) error A allow infinite-precision integers to be impicitly cast to type A, since its base type is bit<32>
(a1 + b1) == c1 error error I suppose we could figure out a sane way to make this legal, too, but it is certainly seems more straightforward to define and implement this if the subexpression (a1+b1) must have its own cast to define its type, before it can be compared to anything else.
(C) (a1 + b1) == c1 error boolean Casts (A), (B), or (bit<32>) instead of (C) would also work.

Possible implementation approach in the compiler (not sure if this holds water -- just brainstorming here):

Take an abstract syntax tree representing an expression, e.g. for `(a1

  • b1) << 5 - c1` it would look like this:
         / \
        /   \
      <<     c1
     /  \
    /    \
   +      5
  / \
 /   \
a1   b1

On approach to validating an expression, and determining its resulting type, would be to start at the leaves and work bottom up, labeling each tree node with a set of types that appears below it.

                       -   <--- {A,B,C,bit<32>}
                      / \
                     /   \
 {A,B,bit<32>} --> <<     c1
                  /  \    {C}
                 /    \
      {A,B} --> +      5
               / \    {int}
              /   \
             a1   b1
             {A}  {B}

Because the root node has a set of types that contains more than one element that is a type defined via type, an explicit cast is required, and that cast must be some type whose base type is the same as that of all types in that set, or the base type.

Note: Any explicit casts in the expression tree must be checked to see if they are correct for the sub-expression they apply to, according to these rules. If they are, the set of types for the node representing the cast operation contains only one element: the type of the cast.

If that set contains only a bit type, the result is bit. If that set contains only a bit and one type A defined via type, then the result is type A.

For comparison operators, e.g. ==, <=, etc., one approach is to calculate this set independently for the left and right operands, and as long as the base types of both sets is the same, declare the expression legal, and it means the same as if both operands were cast to that same base type.

Compiler transformations

I believe that some passes of the p4c compiler make transformations that "substitute equals for equals". That is, they can take an expression somewhere in the program, and replace it with another expression that the compiler "knows" must have an equal value. I believe the notion of equals in "substitute equals for equals" is P4_16 ==.

For example, this:

bit<32> u1;
bit<32> u2;
bit<32> u3;
bit<32> u4;
bit<32> u5;

u1 = u2 + u3;
u5 = u1 - u4;

can be transformed into this, where the only change is replacing the last occurrence of u1 with (u2 + u3):

u1 = u2 + u3;
u5 = (u2 + u3) - u4;

With the rules proposed here, I believe there are ways that such substitutions can be made while not introducing type problems. For example, this program:

type bit<32> A;
type bit<32> B;
type bit<32> C;

A a1;
B b1;
C c1;
C c2;
C c3;

// Right-hand side explicitly cast to same type as left-hand side, so
// assignment is OK.  Without the cast, it would be an error.
c1 = (C) (a1 - b1);

// No cast needed, because all types the same.
c3 = c2 + c1;

can be transformed into this one, but the cast (C) must be present in the expression assigned to c3, otherwise it is not correct.

c1 = (C) (a1 - b1);
c3 = c2 + (C) (a1 - b1);

Some kinds of algebraic simplifications could transform an illegal program into a legal one, like this:

// This is a type error, since the right-hand side needs at least one
// cast.
a1 = a1 + (c2 - c2);

// Replacing (c2 - c2) with 0 results in an expression that is legal
// without a cast.
a1 = a1 + 0;

I believe that as long as the original program is first checked to see that it follows the rules above, it is probably correct to perform these kinds of simplifcations afterwards.

Fishing around for another solution, approach #2

Another idea is to consider again what might be done with the existing typedef type declarations in P4_16, without changing their meaning or use in a program as specified today in version 1.2.0 of the specification.

It turns out that as of March 2020, the latest version of p4c (and this has been true for years before that, I believe) has the property that typedef declarations are preserved in the intermediate representations (IR) of p4c all the way through the front end passes, and continuing until the last midend pass.

If that is true, and if P4Runtime API generation is done at the end of the front end passes, then for many cases it should be possible to determine which typedef type name a header field, struct field, action parameter, etc. were declared with in the developer's original P4_16 source code, by examining the appropriate part of the IR data structures at that time.

Here is a list of cases that I think are the easy, or straightforward, ones to handle in this way, because these things have explicit declarations in the original source code, and there seems to be little or nothing in the compiled that would ever need to change the IR for them before the midend passes:

  • action parameters have explicit type declarations for each one
  • so do the types of:
    • elements of register arrays, and in PSA their index type, too
    • in PSA the type of index for counter and meter arrays
    • to/from controller header types in PSA, also called Packet In and Packet Out, and every field within such a header
    • The type of digest messages
    • parser value sets in P4_16 have an explicit bit or struct type given for their 'key', and structs have explicit definitions with a type for every field.

The types of the things below might be more tricky to determine, since they can be not quite arbitrary expressions, but definitely expressions containing values with different types:

  • table keys can be expressions
    • By far the most common case for such an expression is a single run-time variable, e.g. a field in a header or struct, perhaps nested a couple of levels deep, e.g. hdr.ethernet.srcAddr.
    • They can be more general expressions, though, e.g. hdr.ipv4.srcAddr & 0xffff0000. Such expressions can contain mixes of run-time variables with different type and/or typedef types.
  • In both the v1model and PSA architectures, the type of digest messages might be the type of an expression in the source code.
    • A common case is that the digest is a struct, and which struct type is the type of an explicitly declared variable in the source code.