Hi, you are in a group of individuals who have create or commented on issues in the Jaeger repository and we are doing a simple informal survey about Jaeger usage. If you could answer the following questions, it would be very valuable to gauge interest in the project:
- If applicable, what company/organization do you represent? How many software engineers?
- How are you using Jaeger? E.g. full production deployment, considering, experimenting, or "I am not using Jaeger" etc.
- How long have you been using Jaeger?
- If you are not using Jaeger but chose another tracing system, what were the reasons?
- How many services (or microservices) exist in your system layout?
- How many of them are traced?
- Can you describe your tracing setup and volumes? I.e. which storage you use, how many traces/spans you store, etc.
- What types of problems are you solving with tracing?
Also consider adding your organization to
@jkandasa @Sunfaces @jbdalido @princeop @pavolloffay @mabn @jpkrohling @nlamirault @JodeZer @prestonprice57 @jrbury @objectiser @sloev @hwinkel @Madhu1512 @yuekui2 @valichek @dianvaltodorov @ZhouZiHe @LoungeFlyZ @jeluard @diegofernandes @d-ulyanov @jyothepro @yqf3139 @tomersimis @ruinanchen @szdavid92 @anuptalwalkar @hekike @sul4bh @Strandedpirate @julianste @awhiteside @nklmish @sweatybridge @kevinearls @felixbarny @hzariv @nlamirault @longXboy @drzero42 @xdralex @philipgian @bharat-p