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Please consider using instead of this repo. Lluvia includes an implementation of this algorithm running using the Vulkan API instead of CUDA. Checkout this demo:


A real time optical flow algorithm implemented on GPU.

  Title = {A Filter Formulation for Computing Real Time Optical Flow},
  Author = {{Juan David} Adarve and Robert Mahony},
  Journal = {Robotics and Automation Letters},
  Year = {2016}

300 Hz Real Time Optical Flow

Build and Installation


  • CMake 2.8.11 or higher.
  • Cuda 7.5 or higher.
  • GCC 4.8.
  • Visual Studio 2013 (Windows only).

Build (Linux)

git clone
cd optical-flow-filter
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install 

The library and header files will be installed at /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include respectively.

Build (Windows)

For x86_64

mkdir build64 & cd build64
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ..
cmake --build . --config Release

For x86

mkdir build & cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013"
cmake --build . --config Release

Python Wrappers

A python package with wrappers to the C++ library is available at optical-flow-filter/python/ folder. The wrappers have been developed and build using Cython 0.23.4.

cd optical-flow-filter/python/
python build
sudo python install

See notebooks/ folder for usage examples.

Demo Applications


This demo computes optical flow from a webcam. It uses OpenCV to access the camera video stream and to display the computed flow. The instructions to build the demo are the following:

cd optical-flow-filter/demos/flowWebCam
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


This demo interfaces a Basler camera, in our case an acA2000-165um, with the GPU optical flow algorithm, and displays the color encoded flow.

cd optical-flow-filter/demos/highSpeedDemo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To run the application, it is necessary to specify the camera properties file, as follows

./highSpeedDemo -c ../acA2000-165um_binSkip.pfs

Other optional arguments are:

./highSpeedDemo -h

-h, --help             Displays this help.
-v, --version          Displays version information.
-c, --config <file>    Camera configuration file.
-l, --levels <int>     Flow filter pyramid levels (default 2).
-r, --rate <int>       Camera frame rate (default 300).
-m, --maxflow <float>  Maximum optical flow (default 4.0).