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PHP command line tool for Magento extension development and scaffolding


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The Installer

PERSONNAL USAGE ONLY - For professional or commercial use, ask.

What's that?

The "Installer" is a simple shell which allows you to create custom modules on Magento.

NOTE: This is the first version. Any idea for the second one?


On Windows

Please install PHP and Git.

Then start a Git Bash on your repo, configure, and run ;)



Each time I need to use The Installer, I've a git repository.
Because it's always a Magento project and I always use git as SCM.

$ git config "The Company"
$ git config "company"
$ git config jbh-installer.user-name "John Doe"
$ git config jbh-installer.user-email ""
$ git config ""

You can use the following configuration path:

  • path: The path to the "app" directory. (optional)
  • company-name: The name of your company.
  • company-name-short: The namespace of your company.
  • company-url: The website url of your company.
  • user-name: Your name.
  • user-email: Your email.
  • license: The license used. "All rights reserved" as default.
  • design: The project's design. "base_default" as default.
  • locales: The project's locales. "fr_FR,en_US" as default.

Bash function required

function jbh () {
    # ==> /!\ the Installer path ;)
    /usr/local/bin/php -f ~/.bin/Installer/Installer.php $@;

You can use the binary bin/Installer too.

Run it!

With your shell, go under your magento dir, like that :

$ cd ~/Sites/magento/

Then run the Installer! (with the function above)

$ jbh
The Installer - by jacquesbh


Type ?!

> ?
  ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------
 | COMMAND              | ALIAS                 | PARAMETERS                                |
 | help                 | -h ?                  |                                           |
 | module               | mod                   | namespace name pool                       |
 | general              |                       |                                           |
 | info                 | i config conf         |                                           |
 | clean                |                       | [all, cache, log(s)]                      |
 | controller           | c                     | name [actions]                            |
 | helper               | h                     | name [methods]                            |
 | model                | m                     | name [methods]                            |
 | observer             | o                     | name [methods]                            |
 | observer Observer    | oo                    | [methods]                                 |
 | block                | b                     | name [methods] [-p]                       |
 | translate            | t                     | where                                     |
 | translates           | ts                    |                                           |
 | layout               | l                     | where                                     |
 | layouts              | ls                    |                                           |
 | resources            | res                   |                                           |
 | entity               | ent                   | name table                                |
 | grid                 |                       | entity                                    |
 | form                 |                       | entity                                    |
 | COMMAND              | ALIAS                 | PARAMETERS                                |
 | setup                | sql set               |                                           |
 | upgrade              | up                    | [from] to                                 |
 | event                |                       | name model method where                   |
 | cron                 |                       | identifier 1 2 3 4 5 model method         |
 | default              | def conf              | name value                                |
 | depends              | dep                   | (-)module                                 |
 | exit                 |                       |                                           |
 | delete               | del rm remove         |                                           |
 | last                 |                       | [...]                                     |
 | addtranslate         | __                    |                                           |
 | routers              | r route router        | where frontName                           |
 | tmp                  |                       | action                                    |
 | misc                 | script                | name (without .php)                       |
 | doc                  |                       | [title]                                   |
 | system               |                       |                                           |
 | adminhtml            |                       |                                           |
 | session              |                       | [methods]                                 |
 |                      |                       |                                           |
  ---------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------------------------


$ jbh
The Installer - by jacquesbh
> mod jbh demo local
Using: Jbh_Demo in local
Jbh_Demo> ent
> foo
> jbh_foo
Jbh_Demo> h data -
Jbh_Demo> layout
Where? (enter for front)
Jbh_Demo> session

Easy, isn't it ?



Jbh_Tmp> model foo $_iAmProtected $_meToo=1 $iAmPublic $meToo=array $iAmNull=null $iAmAString=foo $_iAmBoolean=false

 * Foo Model
 * @package Jbh_Tmp
class Jbh_Tmp_Model_Foo extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_CONST

     * short_description_here
     * @access protected
     * @var 
    protected $_iAmProtected = null;

     * short_description_here
     * @access protected
     * @var int
    protected $_meToo = 1;

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @var 
    public $iAmPublic = null;

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $meToo = array();

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @var null
    public $iAmNull = null;

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $iAmAString = 'foo';

     * short_description_here
     * @access protected
     * @var bool
    protected $_iAmBoolean = false;

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_VAR

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_METHOD




 * Foo Model
 * @package Jbh_Tmp
class Jbh_Tmp_Model_Foo extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

     * short_description_here
     * @const I_AM_CONSTANT
    const I_AM_CONSTANT = null;

     * short_description_here
     * @const I_AM_A_STRING string
    const I_AM_A_STRING = 'foo';

     * short_description_here
     * @const I_AM_INTEGER int
    const I_AM_INTEGER = 123;

     * short_description_here
     * @const I_AM_BOOLEAN bool
    const I_AM_BOOLEAN = true;

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_CONST

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_VAR

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_METHOD



Jbh_Tmp> model foo _iAmProtected iAmPublic iReturnsBool:bool iReturnsObject:Varien_Object iCallMyParent/p iHaveArgs() iHaveArgsAndIReturnsBool():bool _iHaveArgsIReturnsStringICallDad():string/p
Return for iCallMyParent()?
> string
Params for iHaveArgs()?
> $customer
Params for iHaveArgsAndIReturnsBool()?
> $flag
Params for iHaveArgsIReturnsStringICallDad()?
> $order

 * Foo Model
 * @package Jbh_Tmp
class Jbh_Tmp_Model_Foo extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_CONST

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_VAR

     * short_description_here
     * @access protected
     * @return 
    protected function _iAmProtected()
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return 
    public function iAmPublic()
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return bool
    public function iReturnsBool()
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return Varien_Object
    public function iReturnsObject()
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return string
    public function iCallMyParent()
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return 
    public function iHaveArgs($customer)
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access public
     * @return bool
    public function iHaveArgsAndIReturnsBool($flag)
        // Code here

     * short_description_here
     * @access protected
     * @return string
    protected function _iHaveArgsIReturnsStringICallDad($order)
        // Code here

// Jacques Bodin-Hullin Tag NEW_METHOD



If you want generate a documentation for your modules, you can do it! And the Installer is helpful!

> doc Title if you want :)

This command creates a simple directory named doc with a file

The idea is to use Easybook for generate the documentation in PDF or website formats.

system.xml & adminhtml.xml

You can generate those files but you need to edit them after. It's customized samples.