Map of London's brutalist buildings built in React, TypeScript, and Tailwind. Uses LibreMap and OpenFreeMap. Deployed to Netlify on
- NextJS, React and TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- React Router
- Redux and Redux Toolkit
- React-map-gl and MapLibre GL
The project follows a typical React application structure, held together with React Router:
: Untracked files -
: Guidelines for community members -
: Instructions for contributing to the project -
: License for the project -
: Project documentation (this file) -
: Entry point of the application in html -
: Netlify deployment configuration -
: Prettier configuration -
: Node.js dependencies -
: PostCSS configuration -
: Favicon files -
: Static assets-
: Contains GeoJSON data for the buildings, wrapped in a typescript file. -
: Custom fonts -
: Image assets, including building photos -
: Font files for map rendering -
: Map styling
: Contains the main source codecomponents/
: React componentspages/
: Page-level componentsstyles/
: SCSS files for stylingmain.tsx
: Main React entry pointvite-env.d.ts
: Vite environment type declarations
: Tailwind CSS configuration -
: TypeScript configuration files -
: Vite build tool configuration
Clone the repository:
git clone cd brutalist-map-2
Install packages:
npm install
npm run dev
I'd love to see contributions to this project! Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for instructions on how to contribute. Please follow the CODE_OF_CONDUCT too. You can also email me on with any questions or suggestions.
- Socialist Modernism
- SOS Brutalism Map
- Brutalist London Paper Map
- Brutal London, Simon Phipps
- After the success of an html copy of this site, I wanted to rebuild it in a modern framework. Seeing as much of the functionality of that project was in JavaScript, I wanted to rebuild it in React, as it was hard to navigate the codebase, something a component based architecture would solve.
- I realised that this would allow me to use the mapbox NPM package rather than the CDN method I was previously using, which would allow me to host the geojson data myself - making it much easier to edit.
- During development, it became obvious that I could make a multi-page site with the data, now that I was selfhosting it, allowing me to display it in different ways. This would allow different users to engage as they wished.
First, I set up the app using Vite.
Then I worked on each of the pages in the app, using Tailwind CSS to rapidly design them in a similar style to my Brutalist Map project.
Taught myself how to use APIs in Javascript with fetch() and then applied this to React.
- I spent a long time trying to get this to work - it was relatively simple with the Mapbox URL but I also wanted to use local geojson data where possible (easier to edit and reference).
Added Brutalist Map into the page
- React-map-gl as an API wrapper for mapbox-gl, with mapbox studio staying as the source.
Added React Router to navigate between pages and serve a 404 page and Link elements to improve page load speed.
Deployed to Netlify.
Added markers to the map using a map function.
Added controls to the map using the example in the React-map-gl docs as a guide.
Added details of the buildings on hovering over them on the map. I tried using the example in the React-map-gl docs but unfortunately couldn't get it to work. A workaround was to create a custom marker, since React Map GL wasn't letting me add onMouseEnter events to the marker that comes with the NPM package. I then used State management, to set whether each marker was hovered over. This caused some flickering which I resolved by binding the onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave events to the div displaying the information on hover.
Added click event on marker, similar to the hover event above. Used borrowed html and css from the index page.
Edited map so visited buildings are highlighted green on the map.
Transformed svg icons to React TSX components using an online tool - to allow for easier editing.
Updated mobile look of site after some debugging on different screen sizes.
I noticed some issues with images not loading, so I decided to download them from the links in the geojson data. I ran a python script to do this, and then another script to compress the .webp images down to below 1mb. This would improve speed.
Abstracting out mapcontrol and customMarker components into separate files from the map component. This improves editability.
Fixed a build error from incorrect typing.
Added a landing page with custom SASS, to improve usability on the site. I used local storage to set this to only display on the first visit to the site.
Add color variables to SASS, to make them easier to edit.
Added a typography SCSS file to extract out of globals and make it easier to edit.
Extracted common tailwind styles to scss, to make them easier to edit.
Moved from Mapbox maplibre-gl, using the guides on OpenFreeMap and their tiling. This should enable people to contribute to this repository more easily (i previously used a mapbox api key tied to the local and production servers).
- I used Maputnik to generate styles and Map Libre Font Maker to generate the font tiles I needed.
Removed SASS in favour of pure Tailwind CSS.