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Genetic Programming system to evolve billiards players. The project is designed to be a distributed evaluation server for Clojush.


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Version Clojars Project

Using PoolGP

Building the project


Optional: -d TASK_DEFN builds a docker image and pushes it to docker hub

Project run options (NOTE: an option is required)

(Example: java -jar poolgp-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar -d full_games.json)

  • -d --demo PATH Runs in demo mode given configuration
  • -e --eval PATH Runs in server mode with specified task definition
  • -b --builder PATH Opens editing mode and writes to file provided (must exist)
  • -t --tournament PATH Runs a tournament simulation if the given config contains a tournament key value pair (tournament config has a separate json format)
  • -n --new FILENAME Creates a blank configuration file (with required fields) (this is meant to be subsequently edited)

Note: When running tournament mode, specify a normal run configuration (i.e. full_games.json) that contains a "tournament" entry specifying a tournament file (i.e. "tournament" : "tournament.json")

Project Dependencies

(Run lein deps)

[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.4.1"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.4.490"]
[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"]
[clojush.poolgp "3.17.1-1-SNAPSHOT"] ;Note: this is the poolgp fork of clojush and contains new functions

Task Definition Structure

  "simulation": {
    "analysis" : [
        "game" : {
          "table" : {
            "balls" : [
              {"x" : 100, "y" : 150, "id" : 1, "type" : "striped"},
              {"x" : 500, "y" : 285, "id" : "cue", "type" : "cue"}
    "max-iterations" : 100000,        (optional)
    "watching" : 0,                   (optional)
    "p1" : {
      "strategy" : "(integer_**)"
    "p2" : {
      "strategy" : "(integer_+)"
  "tournament" : "tournament.json", (optional)
  "eval-worker" : {
    "indiv-ingress" : 9999,
    "indiv-egress" : 8000,
    "opp-pool-req" : 8888,
    "engine-hostname" : "engine"

Tournament task defn structure:

  "entrants" : [
    {"id": "edfc5bb5-7d5b-4478-87e2-46165630aa0e", "strategy" : "(float_pop integer_mult float_mult boolean_not...)"},
    {"id": "Ronnie O' Sullivan", "strategy" : "(float_pop float_mult integer_mult boolean_not...)"},

Server Mode

"Packet" structure

Here is the structure for an individual being sent from Clojush to evaluation instances:

{:indiv indiv ;clojush.individual containing :program
 :cycle (int)}

Creating a Docker Swarm

  • Follow the tutorial on creating a Docker swarm.
  • Copy docker/docker-compose.yml to the master node of your swarm
  • From the master node, run the following:
  docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml poolgp

Configuring Clojush to communicate with PoolGP workers

Here are the steps required for setting up Clojush for communication with PoolGP evaluation workers.

Add this dependency to your project.clj file: Clojars Project.

When your engine is ready to evaluate the entire population, include the following code: In your ns declaration: (:require [poolgp.distribute :as poolgp])

(Note: this should be in clojush.src.pushgp.pushgp/compute-errors)

;temporary: wait 10 seconds for workers to start
(Thread/sleep 10000)

(poolgp/start-dist-services {
  :incoming-port 8000
  :outgoing-port 9999
  :opp-pool-req-p 8888
  :host "eval"})

;take first 10 individuals from starting gen if no
;previous gen computed
(let [prev-gen @POOLGP-PREV-GEN]
   (take 10
     (if (not (empty? prev-gen))
         (sort-by :total-error prev-gen)
         (map deref pop-agents)))))

(dorun (map #((if use-single-thread swap! send)
             %1 poolgp/eval-indiv)

(when-not use-single-thread (apply await pop-agents)) ;; SYNCHRONIZE

(let [opps (map deref pop-agents)]
 (dorun (map #((if use-single-thread swap! send)
               %1 evaluate-individual (fn [i] (poolgp/merge-fitness i opps)) %2
                                               (assoc argmap :reuse-errors false))

(when-not use-single-thread (apply await pop-agents)) ;; SYNCHRONIZE

;(store generation)
(reset! POOLGP-PREV-GEN (doall (map deref pop-agents)))

Setting up the eval swarm on AWS

Swarm Diagram

  • Make sure you have an AWS account that can support charges incurred by running ec2 instances at high load. (These costs add up)
  • Note: 8 c4.2xlarge instances requires a service limit increase from Amazon (support request)
  • Create an ec2 keypair. In ec2_launcher, rename the keypair argument with this keypair name.
  • Download the keypair pem file for use during deployment.
  • Change the profile name in in ec2_launcher to your own (remove arg if using default profile)
  • Determine the CIDR range of your default AWS VPC (or custom VPC)
  • Determine the CIDR range to allow SSH access from (your IP)
  • Execute: ec2_launcher <keypair.pem> <ssh_cidr_block> <vpc_cidr_block>
  • Accept any SSH/SCP prompts
  • This script will end by connecting you to the master node
  • SSH into all nodes (including master) using public IP addresses or public DNS
  • Run ./docker_installer and accept any prompts
  • From the master, execute sudo docker swarm init --advertise-addr <instance_private_ip> --data-path-addr <instance_private_ip>
  • Then in all nodes, copy the outputted join command (run with sudo), and append --advertise-addr <instance_private_ip> --data-path-addr <instance_private_ip>
  • make a directory called logs
  • From master, execute sudo docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml poolgp
  • From there, list and inspect docker volumes to verify the location of log files


Copyright © 2018 Jack Hay

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0


Genetic Programming system to evolve billiards players. The project is designed to be a distributed evaluation server for Clojush.







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