- The puzzle contains ten parts, numberd from one to ten
- A grid is printed on the puzzle pieces
- There are several layouts to form rectangle from those pieces.
- Rectangles can also be formed with parts one to seven, one to eight or one to nine.
- There are two special layouts, one with all pieces and another layout with parts one to seven: Both layouts form a perfect 7x9 grid and will fit perfectly into the provided frame.
- A good tutorial is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbpfjM0NP7Q
The puzzle requires: Ten pieces and a frame or a box.
- One STL file: All ten pieces with frame: "puzzle_all_parts_with_frame.stl"
- Two STL files: All ten pieces and box: "puzzle_all_parts.stl" and "puzzle_box.stl"
Additionally all parts are available in separate STL files.
- Use black filament
- Clean all parts with grade 80 sendpaper or emery paper
- Paint all sides of all parts with black color
- Use a bright color to paint the detached tiles on the parts
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