Edit: Moved to
I'm opening this meta issue with the goal of a broad and open-ended discussion around specific proposals that aim to add intrinsic procedures to the standard. Recent examples of such proposals are: #96, #100, #101, #103.
While I'm personally in support of most such proposals, I often see them as putting the cart before the horse. Why so? A common argument for such additions is that they are commonly used and often re-implemented over and over again because they're not available as intrinsics. I get this. However, if such intrinsics are really needed, I imagine there'd be an obvious choice of a 3rd party library available. Reusable and open libraries emerge when the pain is high enough in the community. That's how datetime-fortran came about. Lack of open source libraries may be a signal that there just isn't great need for such procedures.
Should we, as the Fortran community, consider working on a non-standard library that would include such procedures that we aim to the propose to the committee for inclusion in the standard? This library, or a subset of it, could over time become a candidate for the Fortran standard library, in addition to built-in intrinsics.
I foresee multiple benefits:
- Near-immediate quality of life improvement for many application developers like myself.
- In the process we'd flesh out what's really useful and what's not so important; we could troubleshoot caveats in the implementations before they're committed in writing in the standard.
- We'd have concrete examples to show to the committee, which would make it easier to argue for their inclusion in the language;
- A maintained general purpose library could ease and increase adoption of Fortran by newcomers to the language.
- Implementations of new procedures could be used to solicit use cases.
There are quite a few projects in this spirit, such as Arjen's flibs and Ondrej's fortran-utils. Such libraries could serve as design examples, and perhaps even contribute implementations toward a dedicated non-stdlib.