j2sh / robust-tests
Forked from ngauthier/robust-testsJumpstartLab Training Course on Robust Testing
JumpstartLab Training Course on Robust Testing
The repository for the intro to programming class held by HacDC
Project files for a Nettuts+ series on Sinatra
Tool to give clients the ability to manage the development of their application through modifying Cucumber scenario features and tags
shiffman / libfreenect
Forked from michael-nischt/libfreenectJust working on Processing library here
j2sh / twitter
Forked from sferik/twitter-rubyA Ruby wrapper for the Twitter REST and Search APIs
j2sh / ruby-sunlightapi
Forked from sunlightlabs/ruby-sunlightRuby wrapper for the Sunlight Labs API
VimOrganizer is partly a clone of Emacs' Org-mode, and partly a front end to Org-mode itself. Do Org in Vim.
A to-do list app that can easily be deployed to Heroku, built with Rails 3, MongoDB, OpenID
j2sh / ocamlmq
Forked from mfp/ocamlmqSmall footprint, easy to use STOMP message broker designed for task queues and IPC
A command-line twitter client with smart filtering and statistical classification
Deprecated. Use the new version at
This repository hosts the example projects that are covered in the Arquillian Guides as well as several additional examples.
The Marionette Collective
Application to monitor ActiveMQ queues and alert on given behaviors
Handy tools to aid in using the Ledger finance program
j2sh / Git.framework
Forked from ghtraining/Git.frameworkMac OS X Objective-C Framework for git repositories.
j2sh / showoff
Forked from binford2k/showoffthe best damn presentation software a developer could ever love
j2sh / book-examples
Forked from progit/book-examplesExamples of scripts from the book
ghtraining / Git.framework
Forked from schacon/Git.frameworkMac OS X Objective-C Framework for git repositories.