CSS in JS on steroids.
follows a 'local by default' approach to make it easier to write components without having to worry about class and animation names clashes.
Like SASS, LESS and Stylus, j2c
- mixins
- nested selectors
All standard CSS at-rules are available out of the box, most importantly:
can be nested anywhere in the sheet@keyframes
(with automatic generation of@-webkit-keyframes
The home page has a few interactive demos.
$ npm install j2c
var j2c = require('j2c')
There are also separate builds for AMD
, ES6
and a global window.j2c
in the dist
can be used to either assemble inline declarations or full style sheets with, by default, locally unique class names.
Here's an example of locallized class names (as pioneered AFAIK by JSS):
sheet = j2c.sheet({
".title": {
font_size: "3rem",
"&:before": {
color: "#00b",
content: "'#'"
".content": {
line_height: "1.6em",
padding: "2rem"
Unique class names are generated automatically for title
and content
.content_j2c_fvp6zc2gdj35evhsl73ffzq_0 {
line-height: 1.6em;
padding: 2rem;
.title_j2c_fvp6zc2gdj35evhsl73ffzq_0 {
font-size: 3rem;
.title_j2c_fvp6zc2gdj35evhsl73ffzq_0:before {
content: '#';
color: #888;
is now a String
object with a title
and content
properties that hold the unique class names. It can be used like this in your view, either on the server, in the browser of for isomorphic apps (let's say this is part of a React view):
<h3 class="{sheet.title}">Hello</h3>
<div class="{sheet.content}">Foo bar baz...</div>
The <style>{sheet}</style>
construct works in modernish browsers (ie9+). For older IE, see below.
Animation names are also "localized" by default, font names are left untouched.
The j2c
function takes in JS objects and builds a property:value;
list out of it.
border: {
top$left: {
width: "1px",
color: "white"
Outputs, as you could expect (white space added for readability):
background-color: red;
border-top-color: white;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-left-color: white;
border-left-width: 1px;
and _snake_case
names are turned into -dash-case
, so that property names can be left unquoted in the source.
Combine (sub)properties who share the same value using $
as a separator. It is useful to specify vendor prefixes.
Provided you don't delete and re-add properties to your objects, the properties will end up in the CSS sheet in the source order.
You can sneak in arrays anywhere in the source tree. It enables many advanced techniques, like:
If you want to overload a property by using an array at the value level
border_color: ["#33e", "rgba(64,64,255,0.8)"],
{ border_color: "#33e"},
{ border_color: "rgba(64,64,255,0.8)"}
{color: "#33e"},
{color: "rgba(64,64,255,0.8)"}
will give the same result.
You can mix in properties by using a function call in an array:
function mixin(color) {
return {
border_color: color,
color: color
The mixin could also be a plain JS object if it doesn't need to be customized.
Everything found in the inline
section applies here too, I recommend you read it first.
To give you a taste of what can be done in j2c, here's a first, rather advanced example.
s = j2c.sheet({
"ul.foo": {
"@media condition": {
color: "red"
// properties for the main ul.my_root_class elements
font: {
size: "2em",
family: "sans-serif"
// underscores in property names are converted to dashes.
background_color: "#44f",
// CamelCase is also automatically handled.
// sub-selector for children element, notice the mandatory initial space
// signifying a child element.
" li": {
left: "5px",
top: "10px"
// convenient $ shortcut.
border: {left$right: {width: "2px"}}
Output (after indentation):
ul.foo_j2c_fgdl0s2a5fmle5g56rbuax71_0 li{
@media condition{
Were s.foo === "foo_j2c_fgdl0s2a5fmle5g56rbuax71_0 "
You can define or refer to global names using the @global{}
pseudo at-rule, and the :global()
function. This will thus preserve the .foo
, .bar
and baz
s = j2c.sheet({
"@global": {
"ul.foo": {
font_size: "2em",
"p:global(.bar)" :{
animation_name: ":global(baz)"
"@keyframes :global(baz)": {
// define the global "baz" animation here.
blocks also globalize animation names (not shown above).
TODO: refactor this section to mention the SASS-like &
placeholder (at any arbitrary position).
Here's a excerpt from the j2c
port of the PocketGrid.
j2c.sheet({"@global": {
",:before,:after":{ // Notice the initial coma.
Nesting ",:before,:after"
inside the ".block,.blockgroup"
block combines [".block", ".blockgroup"]
with ["", ":before", ":after"]
, giving
Mathy folks call this as a Cartesian product.
handles @-rules out of the box, including nested ones.
"@media screen": {
" p": {
"@media (orientation: landscape)": {
@media screen {
p {
foo: bar;
@media (orientation: landscape) {
p {
baz: qux;
For @keyframes
rules, a @-webkit-keyframes
block is automatically created with auto-prefixed property names.
At-rules are guarateed to be inserted after the properties and sub-selectors at a given level. This prevents nested @media
blocks to be overridden by declarations found out of them.
If you need several media queries where the order of definition is important, or if you need at-rules that must be inserted at the top of a sheet, use arrays.
{"@import": "url(foo.css)"},
{"@namespace": "url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml)"},
{"@namespace": "svg url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg)"},
".your": {sheet:"here"}
Mixins and @extend
make j2c
sheets composable. Both techniques can be combined.
For mixins, arrays works the same way at the selector level as they do at the property/value one. You can therefore use the method described in the "inline" section to create mixins, that can return either at-rules, selectors, properties or a mix thereof.
also supports a SASS-like @extend
, more powerful in some regards, but more limited in others.
The limitation is that it can only deal with classes. Specifically:
namespace = j2c.sheet({
'.red': {color: '#f00'}
sheet = j2c.sheet(namespace, {
'.great': {
fontSize: '3em'
'.greatRed': {
'@extend': ['.great', '.red'] // you can also pass a single class
is now defined as 'great_j2c... red_j2c... greatRed_j2c...'
(class names truncated for readability).
The extra power comes from the fact that you can inherit from arbitrary classes, not just j2c-defined ones:
sheet = j2c.sheet(namespace, {
'.myButton': {
'@extend': ':global(.button)', // coming, say, form Bootstrap
color: theme.highlight
Here, sheet.myButton
is 'button myButton_j2c...'
While @extend
can import from arbitrary classes, it only imports into local ones.
works fine with nested selectors. If there are more than one class in a selector, @extend
applies to the last (right-most) one.
If the last or only selector is a :global(.klass)
, in @global
context, or in the absence of a class in the selector, @extend
is turned into a at-extend
property and inserted as-is in the sheet.
Since j2c.sheet
only accepts property names that match /^[-_0-9A-Za-z$]+$/
, it is not possible to express CSS hacks using objects. You can, however, work around the issue by using arrays and strings instead.
Here's another modified excerpt from the PocketGrid port:
".blockgroup": [
"*zoom: 1; /* hackety hackery */",
Array elements are inserted in sequence, and string literals are treated as a list of properties, and inserted as is.
*zoom: 1; /* hackety hackery */
You can also pass th result of j2c.inline
which is less picky about property names.
Note: The prefix story in j2c
is currently sub-optimal. I hope at some point to port prefixfree as a plugin. It is already small, and half of it isn't needed for j2c
(the half that deals with finding and updating style elements in the DOM).
You can specify the prefixes by hand using the "$" operator where needed:
// Notice the trailing dollar, required for the unprefixed property.
_o$_ms$_moz$_webkit$: {foo: "bar"},
hello: "world"
Compiles to
p {
This will be replaced by a plugin in a future version.
To prefix values, you can use j2c.prefix
"linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0)",
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0);
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0);
background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0);
There's no support for prefixing a list multiple values (e.g. "linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0),linear-gradient(90deg, #f00, #ff0)"
This will be replaced by a plugin in a future version.
blocks automatically produce their @-webkit-keyframes
counterparts, even in the absence of a vendor list argument.
Foreword: Please note that the following is based on research on the Web, but not effectively tested in Internet explorer at the moment.
Add a text node to a new style
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css'; // my not even be needed
In frameworks:
Sweet, innit?
As above, but with a link
element and a data URI.
Note that ie8 has a 32k limit on the length of data URIs. It supports base 64 in data URIs, but doesn't provide btoa
, which would not be useful in this context anyway, since base 64 encoded sheets are larger than URI encoded ones.
function stylize(element, sheet){
element.type = 'text/css';
if (element.styleSheet){
element.styleSheet.cssText = sheet;
} else {
return element;
var el = document.createElement('style')
var sheet = j2c.sheet(...)
stylize(el, sheet);
For this to work in client-side frameworks, you need to grab a handle on the actual <style>
DOM node. This means that you must create a custom component/directive.
Here are a few examples:
var j2cComponent = {
render: function(){
return <style />
componentDidMount: function(){
stylize(React.findDOMNode(this), this.prop.sheet)
var j2cComponent = {
view: function(ctrl, args) {
return m("style", {
sheet: args.sheet
config: function(el, isinit, vdom) {
if(!isinit) {
stylize(el, vdom.attrs.sheet);
module.directive('j2cSheet', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function link(scope, element, attrs) {
if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "STYLE") throw 'j2cSheet expects a <style> element';
stylize(element[0], attrs.j2cSheet);
module.directive('j2cInline', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function link(scope, element, attrs) {
element[0].style += j2c.inline(attrs.j2cInline);
relies on JS objects to define selectors and properties. The iteration order of object properties is officially undefined, but in practice it only differs in situations that do not really apply to j2c
. As long as we're using non-numeric keys and we don't delete then re-add object properties, the iteration order is the output order.
At-rules, if present, are processed after selectors. This also applies to nested at-rules.
If you want an at-rule to appear in source before normal rules, you can use an array:
"@namespace": "svg url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg)"
}, {
"svg|a": {
// ...
knows the bare minimum to output a valid stylesheet when provided with valid input. It will hapily accept invalid selectors, properties and values, and could in that case produce a broken stylesheet.
I may get around and write a validator companion, but I'm not there yet :-).
puts each selector list and properties on their own lines, but doesn't indent or add other white space.
For debugging purposes, I recommend that you pipe j2c
's output through a [be au ti fier] of your choice.
doesn't provide any facility to auto-prefix a list of values. It is relevant in the context of multiple gradient backgrounds and transition
- Improve the web site. Move the docs there.
- Test DOM insertion methods in old IE.