BETaaS Data Task at Service layer defines an interface that must be implemented in order to offer data analytis capabilities to applications deployed on BETaaS instances. Data Tasks should retrieve data from all available SQL database at service layers and then merge the results, or, if the Analytic platform is available, perform query over the Presto DB interface.
The Projects implementing the Service Data Task are inside the folder:
In particulare the following Apache Maven projects within the parent folder,implements the Data Task service:
- betaas-service-bigdatamanager-data\betaas-service-bigdatamanager\betaas-service-bigdatamanager-service-task\betaas-service-bigdatamanager-service-datatask
The Data Task BETaaS Data Task interface does not have mandatory service dependencies. However each new implementation of service must at least import the import such interface and implements its methods. For more details about how to build a data task, refer to:
The BETaaS DataTask Services exposes a generic interface that allows to add new customized data task to the BETaaS platform by simply implementing it. The interface is eu.betaas.service.bigdatamanager.service.datatask and provides the methods:
public void runTask(HashMap<String,String> input);
public TaskData getTaskData(String taskId);
public boolean taskCompleted(String taskId);
public void setupTask();
public void removeTask();
The BETaaS Data Tasks, when available, are configured inside the file betaas.endpoints.cfg to publish the service through DOSGi.
###** About BETaaS Project**
BETaaS is a STREP Research project developed and co-funded by the European Commission Research and Innovation 7th Framework Program by the BETaaS Consortium under the ICT theme (Call 8) of DG CONNECT.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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