Fluent assertions for writing integration (remote unit) tests for Alfresco.
Using the com.ixxus.alfresco.NodeAssert, assertions on nodes can be written like this:
assertThat(nodeRef).exists().hasAspect(ContentModel.ASPECT_EMAILED).hasPropertyValue(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, "This is a node's name");
For more examples, check out com.ixxus.alfresco.NodeAssertTest.
There's also a custom assertion for testing Alfresco sites. See com.ixxus.alfresco.SiteAssert and how to use it
We are still working on deploying to maven central. At the mean time, we suggest to clone the repository and build locally.
mvn clean install
Then include as a maven dependency
<version><PLEASE SEE POM.XML FOR VERSION></version>
- Node assertion
- Site assertion