- I'm currently working at Pulumi as a Software Engineer.
- I'm available on twitter at @iwahbe or at linkedin at the same name.
Anything can be complicated. Let's make the simple things simple.
fn fizzbuzz(n: usize) {
let factory = move |div_by: usize, then: Box<dyn Fn(usize)>, otherwise: Box<dyn Fn(usize)>| {
move |k: usize| {
if k % div_by == 0 {
} else {
macro_rules! box_me {
($e: expr) => {
let print_k = box_me!(|k| println!("{:?}", k));
let buzz_yes = box_me!(factory(
box_me!(|_| println!("fizzbuzz")),
box_me!(|_| println!("fizz")),
let buzz_no = box_me!(factory(5, Box::new(|_| println!("buzz")), print_k));
let fizz = factory(3, buzz_yes, buzz_no);
(1..n + 1).for_each(fizz)