- Check that all unit tests are OK
- Run the demo and listen to the sounds to empirically check the results of any new or changed transforms
- Bump the version number in
in accordance with the semantic versioning specification - Write a summary of the changes in the version history section in changelog.md. Remember to add a link to the new version near the bottom of the file.
- Include changelog for only the newest version in README.md
- Commit and push the change with a commit message like this: "Release vx.y.z" (replace x.y.z with the package version)
- Add and push a git tag to the release commit
- Add a release here: https://github.com/iver56/audiomentations/releases/new
- Update the Zenodo badge in README.md and docs/index.md. Commit and push.
- Remove any old files inside the dist folder
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
python -m twine upload dist/*