- Floor time values to prevent wrong time being displayed.
- Remove ability for loading events to be altered
- Updated requirements to RN 0.42.x and RN Video 1.0.0
Restore playInBackground and playWhenInactive
Updated to work with react-native ^0.39.2.
fix loadAnimation infinity loop
- added if statement to loadAnimation function to prevent loop
Crashes with New version of react-native-video
- using latest github version of
to fix multiple issues with RN 39
Add ability to set seeker bar colour
When seeking sometimes seek handle hops back to original position
Bump to 1.0.0 as all major issues are fixed and API has changed slightly.
Seeking before onLoad triggers onEnd
- modified pan handler to also look for if loading state which is set to false on init and changed when onLoad fired.
setState being called when window off screen
- added componentWillUnmount function to clear controlTimeout
- Note that if using react router componentWillUnmount will not fire unless you configure it to. See this ticket
If title is too long it runs off the page.
- added flex 0.6 to size and restricted number of lines to 1. If it exceeds you'll get tail ellipsis
- Aesthetic changes made with regards to spacing in the bottom control group
- Tightened up space in the upper group as well.
- Changed control timeout to 15s by default. Allow the ability to overwrite. See API.
- Added ability to add container and video styling
- cleaned up deps and files included.
Tapping controls doesn't reset control hide timeout:
- add resets to panhandlers for volume/seek areas
- add resets to renderControl function onPress params.
Control backgrounds should be gradients
- Changed vignette assets to be more subtle.
- Added stretch to resizeMode
Volume track bar is visible through volume icon
- Rebuilt volume area to be four parts. Container (ctrls max width), track (right side of icon), fill (left side of icon) and the handle (icon).
- Added calculation to measure fill bar width and then subtract that from the width and assign to track bar on right side of icon.
- Long story short, the icon now masks the volume bar.
- Added loading icon when buffering movie
- Add error handling, ref: Issue #4