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Contents & assignments from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (in English) of Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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University Contents & Assignments from Babes-Bolyai University (BBU)


This repository centralizes contents & assignments from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (in English) of Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


No. Discipline Tech Stack/Concepts
1st Semester
1. Fundamentals of Programming Python, PyTables, Pygame Pickle, CSV, JSON, SQL, Layered Architecture
2. Computer Systems Architecture x86 Assembly, C, Low-Level Multi-Module Programming
3. Computational Logic CNF, DNF, Propositional Calculus, Predicate Calculus, Boolean Algebra, Logic Circuits
4. Mathematical Analysis Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Least Squares, Planar Curves
5. Algebra Linear Algebra, Page Ranking, Cryptography, Relational Database
2nd Semester
6. Object-Oriented Programming C, C++, Qt, Observer Design Pattern, Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
7. Data Structures & Algorithms C++, Test-Driven Development, Sparse Matrices, AVL Trees, Huffman Codes, Red-Black Trees
8. Graph Algorithms Python, PyTables, Topological Sorting, Maximum Flows, Prüfer Coding / Decoding, Graph Coloring
9. Operating Systems bash, C, Processes, Threads, bat File, Solaris, Linux, BSD
10. Dynamical Systems Maple, Sage, Taylor Expansion, Newton's Second Law of Movement
11. Geometry Analytic Geometry, Quadratic Curves & Surfaces, Affine Geometry
12. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship MVP, Business Plan, Pitching Skills, Economics, Regulations of Launching
3rd Semester
13. Functional & Logic Programming Prolog, Lisp, Collector Variable Method, MAP Functions, Composed Objects, Functors, Binary Trees
14. Databases SQL SERVER, Clustered Index, Fragmentation, Transact-SQL, Data Streams, Conceptual Modeling
15. Advanced Programming Methods Java, C#, Scala, MVC, OOD, JavaFX, VM Interpreter, Unsafe Garbage Collector, Heap Memory Management
16. Computer Networks Python 3, TCP, UDP, Cisco Packet Tracer, WebSockets, HTTP, DNS, FTP, Routing, Distance Vector
17. Probability Theory & Statistics MATLAB, Octave, Random Variables, Poisson Distribution, Hypergeometric Distribution, Cauchy Distribution
4th Semester
18. Systems for Design & Implementation Django REST Framework, React.js, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, GCP, Nginx, Gunicorn, Credit Risk Modeling, Kubernetes, Docker
19. Artificial Intelligence PyTorch, Decision Trees, ANNs, Convolutions, K-Means Clustering, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Computation
20. Software Engineering System Design, Object Design, OCL, UML, Agile, Unit Testing, System Testing, Sequence Diagrams, DOM
21. Database Management Systems C#, ADO.NET, SQL Server Profiler, Concurrency Control, ACID, Locking Protocols, SQL Injections
22. Web Programming HTML, CSS, XML, jQuery, Angular, PHP, WebGL, Apache, AJAX, JSP, ASP.NET, CGI, Node.js, CORS, CSRF
5th Semester
23. Parallel & Distributed Programming C++, MPI, OpenCL, CUDA, Distributed Protocols, Flynn, Thread Pools, Futures, Recursive Decomposition
24. Mobile Application Programming Swift, SwiftUI, Flutter, Dart, Django REST Framework, SQLite, WebSockets, Cross-Platform Development
25. Formal Languages & Compiler Design Rust, Python, FLEX, Yacc, Recursive Descendent, LR(0), LL(1), Finite Automata, BNF, EBNF
26. Intelligent Methods for Solving Real-World Problems 5W1H Extraction, NLP, TF-IDF, NER, Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Graph-Based Learning, Text Mining, Machine Translation
27. Cloud Application Architecture AWS, EC2, S3, Lambda, Load Balancers, Security Groups, CDNs, Dockers & Containers, FaaS, DBaaS, GraphQL
28. Designing Innovative Products 5W1H Extraction, NLP, HoloLens 2, Django REST, Agile, Value Proposition, Market Research, User Analytics, GCP, A/B Testing
6th Semester
29. Software Systems Verification & Validation Maven, BBT, WBT, Agile, Docker, Jenkins, Model Checking
30. Numerical Calculus MATLAB, Octave, Epicycloids, Taylor Polynomials, MacLaurin's Formula, Gaussian Elimination
31. Quantum Computing with Applications in Cryptography & AI Qiskit, QASM, Hadamard Gates, Deutsch-Josza, Grover, Qubits & Qudits, Hilbert Spaces, Holevo's Theorem
32. Introduction to Natural Language Processing POS-tagging, NER, TF-IDF, spaCy, CoreNLP, NLP-Cube, CoRoLa, WordNet, RoBERT
33. Academic Ethics & Integrity Whistle-Blowing, Data Economy, Corporate Fraud, Market Manipulation, Monopoly Lawsuits, RTBF, Intellectual Property
Bachelor's Thesis
34. A Proximal Policy Optimization Approach to Detect Spoofing in Algorithmic Trading PPO, FNN, Kaiming Normalization, Adam Optimizer, Rolling Statistics, PyTorch, joblib, LUNA, Spoofing, React, TypeScript, SCSS, Jest

‼️Important remark: The contents of lectures and seminaries (except for personal notes) are not my property. Credits given to the author of each educational resource (BBU Department of CS).

‼️ For more details regarding exam resources, check