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Ingest GitHub AuditLog and API Data

Author: Nicholas DiCola, Sreedhar Ande

GitHubLogs Azure Function ingests the following logs from GitHub

  1. AuditLog via (GraphQL)[] events and writes them to a custom log table called GitHub_CL.
  2. Traffic Logs [] data and writes them to a custom log table called GitHubRepoLogs_CL.
  3. Security Vulnerability logs [] data and writes them to a custom log table called GitHubRepoLogs_CL

Following are the configuration steps to deploy Function App.


A GitHub API Token is required. See the documentation to learn more about the GitHub Personal Access Token.

Configuration Steps to Deploy Function App

  1. Click on Deploy to Azure (For both Commercial & Azure GOV)
    Deploy to Azure Deploy to Azure Gov

  2. Select the preferred Subscription, Resource Group and Location
    Best practice : Create new Resource Group while deploying - all the resources of your custom Data connector will reside in the newly created Resource Group

  3. Enter the following value in the ARM template deployment

    "PersonalAccessToken": This is the GITHUB PAT  
    "Workspace Id": The Sentinel Log Analytics Workspace Id  
    "Workspace Key": The Sentinel Log Analytics Workspace Key  
    "Function Schedule": The `TimerTrigger` makes it incredibly easy to have your functions executed on a schedule  

Post Deployment Steps

  1. There are two json files (ORGS.json and lastrun-Audit.json) in Function Dependencies folder

  2. Edit the ORGS.json file and update "org": "sampleorg" and replace sample org with your org name.

    If you have single org
    		"org": "sampleorg1"
    If you have multiple org's
    		"org": "sampleorg1"
    		"org": "sampleorg2"
    		"org": "sampleorg3"
  3. Edit lastrun-Audit.json and update "org": "sampleorg" and replace sample org with your org name

    If you have single org
    		"org":  "sampleorg1",
    		"lastContext":  "",
    		"lastRun":  ""
    If you have multiple org's
    		"org":  "sampleorg1",
    		"lastContext":  "",
    		"lastRun":  ""
    		"org":  "sampleorg2",
    		"lastContext":  "",
    		"lastRun":  ""
  4. Upload the following files to the storage account "github-repo-logs" container from

  5. PersonalAccessToken and Workspace Key will be placed as "Secrets" in the Azure KeyVault <<Function App Name>><<uniqueid>> with only Azure Function access policy. If you want to see/update these secrets,

    	a. Go to Azure KeyVault `<<Function App Name>><<uniqueid>>`
    	b. Click on "Access Policies" under Settings
    	c. Click on "Add Access Policy"
    		i. Configure from template : Secret Management
    		ii. Key Permissions : GET, LIST, SET
    		iii. Select Prinicpal : <<Your Account>>
    		iv. Add
    	d. Click "Save"
  6. The TimerTrigger makes it incredibly easy to have your functions executed on a schedule. This sample demonstrates a simple use case of calling your function based on your schedule provided while deploying. If you want to change the schedule

    a.	Click on Function App "Configuration" under Settings 
    b.	Click on "Schedule" under "Application Settings"
    c.	Update your own schedule using cron expression.

    Note: For a TimerTrigger to work, you provide a schedule in the form of a cron expression(See the link for full details). A cron expression is a string with 6 separate expressions which represent a given schedule via patterns. The pattern we use to represent every 5 minutes is 0 */5 * * * *. This, in plain text, means: "When seconds is equal to 0, minutes is divisible by 5, for any hour, day of the month, month, day of the week, or year".

Note: there are two parsers (here)[] to make the logs useful