Finds server IP which is behind the WAF or cloud services in a given IP-Range 🚀
- Supports GET or POST requests on the given path
- Custom Host Header
- Custom port and https support
- Search in response text and match status code
- Multi threaded
- Retry requests
- Dynamic Content-Type for POST requests
usage: FindIP [-h] -r IP_RANGE [-H Host_HEADER] (-g | -p) [-d PAYLOAD] [-u REQUEST_PATH] -f FIND [-s STATUS] [-P PORTS] [-t THREADS]
Finds Server IP in a Given IP-Range using GET|POST requests on a given PATH
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r IP_RANGE, --ip-range IP_RANGE
Specify the IP range of hosts to target (e.g.,
-H Host_HEADER, --host Host_HEADER
Specify the host Header to Set in Requests (e.g.,
-g, --get Perform a GET request on the hosts
-p, --post Perform a POST request on the hosts
Payload to send in POST requests
where to send the request (e.g., /static/somefileThatexists) (default=/)
-f FIND, --find FIND Search the response for the given string to match found items
Save found items in a file
-s STATUS, --status STATUS
Expected response Status code (default=200)
-V, --verify Verify found items based on invalid host header redirection (default=False)
-P PORTS, --ports PORTS
Configure wich ports to send a request to with below struct [ { port : https } , ... ] Default
value is [{80 : False},{443 : True}]
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Threads (default=40)
python -r -H "" -s 200 -f "uniq string to search" -u /sample/file -g
python -r -H "" -s 200 -f "uniq string to search" -u /sample/file -p -d "x=1&y=2"
python -r -H "" -s 200 -f "uniq string to search" -u /sample/file -p -d '{"x":1,"y":2}'
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