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Developer setup

Getting Started

Code Generation

Getting started

There are many ways you can setup you local environment, this is just a basic quick example of how to setup everything you'll need to get started running and developing Armada.


To follow this section it is assumed you have:

Running Armada locally

It is possible to develop Armada locally with kind Kubernetes clusters.

  1. Get kind (Installation help here)
GO111MODULE="on" go get
  1. Create kind clusters (you can create any number of clusters)

As this step is using Docker, it will require root to run

kind create cluster --name demoA --config ./example/kind-config.yaml
kind create cluster --name demoB --config ./example/kind-config.yaml 
  1. Start Redis
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis
  1. Start server in one terminal
go run ./cmd/armada/main.go
  1. Start executor for demoA in a new terminal
KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="demoA") ARMADA_APPLICATION_CLUSTERID=demoA ARMADA_METRICSPORT=9001 go run ./cmd/executor/main.go
  1. Start executor for demoB in a new terminal
KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="demoB") ARMADA_APPLICATION_CLUSTERID=demoB ARMADA_METRICSPORT=9002 go run ./cmd/executor/main.go
  1. Create queue & Submit job
go run ./cmd/armadactl/main.go create-queue test --priorityFactor 1
go run ./cmd/armadactl/main.go submit ./example/jobs.yaml
go run ./cmd/armadactl/main.go watch job-set-1

For more details on submitting jobs to Armada, see here.

Once you submit jobs, you should be able to see pods appearing in your cluster(s), running what you submitted.

Note: Depending on your Docker setup you might need to load images for jobs you plan to run manually:

kind load docker-image busybox:latest

Running tests

For unit tests run

make tests

For end to end tests run:

make tests-e2e
# optionally stop kubernetes cluster which was started by test
make e2e-stop-cluster

Code Generation

This project uses code generation. The below sections will discuss how to install and use the code generation tools.


We use protoc to generate the Go files used for our gRPC communication.

The github for this utility ca be found:

Set up steps

Install required proto libraries:

go get
go get
go get
go get

go get
go get
go get

GO111MODULE=off go get
GO111MODULE=off go get
GO111MODULE=off go get

Now everything is installed, you can generate types based on the .proto files found in ./internal/armada/api.

There is a script that will regenerate all proto files, assuming the above setup is installed:


Command-line tools

Our command-line tools used the cobra framework (

You can use the cobra cli to add new commands, the below will describe how to add new commands for armadactl but it can be applied to any of our command line tools.


Get cobra cli tool:

go get -u

Change to the directory of the command-line tool you are working on:

cd ./cmd/armadactl

Use cobra to add new command:

cobra add commandName

You should see a new file appear under ./cmd/armadactl/cmd with the name you specified in the command.