All examples and data for our blind beam hardening correction method are
under folder bhcEx
with filenames ended with Ex
. The figures in our
paper can be reproduced by first run *Ex
, e.g., yangEx
, followed by
, e.g., yangEx('plot')
. Algorithm implementations are under
R. Gu and A. Dogandžić, “Blind X-ray CT Image Reconstruction from Polychromatic Poisson Measurements,” IEEE Trans. Comput. Imag., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 150–165, 2016. [DOI] [PDF] [Poster] [Presentation Video]
R. Gu and A. Dogandžić. (Sep. 2015). Polychromatic X-ray CT Image Reconstruction and Mass-Attenuation Spectrum Estimation. arXiv: 1509.02193.
R. Gu and A. Dogandžić, “Beam hardening correction via mass attenuation discretization,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Process., Vancouver, Canada, May 2013, pp. 1085–1089. [DOI] [PDF] [Poster]
Although being used as a tool to solve the beam hardening problem, PNPG has evolved and now is living in a separate repository.
To install this package, first download the repository by running
git clone
after downloading, from MATLAB change your current folder to imgRecSrc/
and execute setupPath.m
to add necessary paths to the environment.
For X-ray CT examples, the projection and back projection operator
subroutines may be called from MATLAB. Since they are written in c
language, to prepare MATLAB recognizable MEX
files, go to imgRecSrc/prj
and compile the necessary files. Instructions on compiling the code are
provided for both UNIX
and Windows
require: gcc, cuda toolkit (optional) and GPU (optional)
Execute make cpu
to compile all cpu implementations. If you have GPU
equipped, run make gpu
to compile GPU implementation of the X-ray CT
projection operators. The matlab code will automatically choose to run on
GPU if equipped.
If errors are reported while compiling the *.c
files under
, please edit the first few lines in
to make sure the path for your CUDA
is correct.
Don't forget to add the path to CUDA library before starting your Matlab:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
which can be added to your .bashrc
file without harm.
require: Visual Studio, cuda toolkit (optional) and GPU (optional)
Execute imgRecSrc/setupPath.m
can automatically compile all needed files
and add paths.
If there is a GPU equipped in your PC, follow the following steps:
Open the
VS Native Tools Command Prompt
viaStart -> Microsoft Visual Studio -> Visual Studio Tools
; -
command to change directory to yourimgRecSrc/prj
; -
nvcc -c
to generate theobj
file; -
The comments in some of *.m
files may contain greek letters, which
are UTF-8
encoded. Please open in an appropriately configured text