Enter the minio folder:
cd ./minio
Create an .env file, and add the following lines:
Then start minio:
docker-compose up -d
Starting from the project root, run the following command, create the .credentials, and add the following lines:
aws_access_key_id = THE_MINIO_ROOT_USER_USED_ABOVE
aws_secret_access_key = THE_MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD_USED_ABOVE
Then start the bms service:
cd ./service-bdms
docker run --rm -it \
--network="host" \
--name swissforages-service \
-v $PWD:/workspace \
-w /workspace \
swisstopo/service-bdms:latest \
python bms/main.py \
--pg-auto-upgrade \
--pg-database=bdms \
--smtp_config=./config/smtp.conf \
--s3-bucket=bdms \
--s3-credentials-file=/workspace/.credentials \
--s3-endpoint=localhost:9000 \
BDMS database can have some modification during development. All the SQL commands shall be stored into the ./bdms/assets/sql folder.
The name of the file is formatted as follows:
Example: 1.0.2_to_1.0.3.sql
The in the main.py file the automatic upgrade process shall be configured in the following manner:
# Database version
__version__ = '1.0.3'
# (...)
# Ordered list of upgradable versions
versions = [
# SQL upgrades directory
udir = "./bms/assets/sql/"
# SQL to execute for upgrades
sql_files = {
"1.0.0": f"{udir}1.0.0_to_1.0.1.sql",
"1.0.1": f"{udir}1.0.1_to_1.0.2.sql",
"1.0.2": f"{udir}1.0.2_to_1.0.3.sql",
And the executing the main with the parameter pg_auto_upgrade the upgrade will be executed automatically.
Build release candidate on github image:
version=$(cat ./VERSION.txt)
docker build \
-t ghcr.io/$username/service-bdms/service-bdms:$version .
Build image (dockerhub ready):
version=$(cat ./VERSION.txt)
docker build -t swisstopo/service-bdms:$version .
First time run container
docker run --rm -it \
--network="host" \
--name bdms-service \
-v $PWD:/workspace \
-w /workspace \
swisstopo/service-bdms:latest \
python bms/main.py \
--pg-auto-upgrade \
--pg-database=bdms \
--smtp_config=./config/smtp.conf \
--s3-bucket=bdms \
--s3-credentials-file=/workspace/.credentials \
--s3-endpoint=localhost:9000 \