July 7 from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM EST
- Discuss the scope of ISIG & the response team
- Write a proposal for the Roadmap Committee
- Note taker next meeting
- Next Meeting date: 2 weeks / July 20th?
- Don Richards (chair)
- Melissa Anez (note taker)
- Rosie Le Faive
- Will Panting
- Marcus Barnes
- Ed Fugikawa
- Cricket Deane
- Dan Aitken
- Jordan Dukart
The group went over the scope document in detail. Don will make edits and additional documentation for ISRT's workflow, the group will review, it will go to the Roadmap Committee on Friday.
- Clarify wording of the security team's composition and the word "committers"
- Change reporting to Roadmap Committee to reporting to "a representative of the Islandora Foundation"
- Add wording about private communication channels and JIRA
Agreed to meet on the first Wednesday of each month. Next will be August 3rd at 2PM EST.
Notetaker: Rosie
Marcus is considering doing a security review of CLAW for the next CLAW sprint. Looking for others in this group who are interested in joining him or sharing ideas.