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An Image Resizer is an image processing application created in python with tkinter gui.
In this application user can select any image and can resize it to any size.
Also while resizing user will be able to see both the original image and the resized image.
Also after resizing user can also save it anywhere on the local system.
And if user want to reset to the original size, he/she can also do that using RESET button.
from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageDraw
User just need to download the file, and run the, on local system.
After running a GUI window appears, here user can choose any image from the local system using CHOOSE button.
After choosing the image, user will be able to see two image on GUI window, one for showing original size and second for showing the resized image.
Now user can enter the width and height of the resized image hw/she wants in the entry box, and click on RESIZE button.
Clicking on that will resize the image accordingly and shows the resized image on the right side part of GUI Window.
After resizing use can also save the resized image to any place on local system using SAVE button.
Also if user wants to reset to the original size, he/she can also do that using RESET button.
Also there is exit button, clicking on which we get a exit dialog box asking the permission to exit.
This scripts helps us to easily resize the selected image to any width and height.
Install python3, tkinter, pandas, os, cv2, PIL, resizeimage
After that download the code file, and run on local system.
Then the script will start running and user can explore more by selecting image and resizing it to any width and height.
You can’t perform that action at this time.