Open Source Node.js script that simplifies scraping media files and messages from Telegram channels, groups, or users, facilitating offline access and storage of images, videos, and documents
Creates an HTML file containing download links to all the episodes by parsing Ororo's TV Show URL
Democratizing ML-powered DNA analysis through efficient on-device computation and interpretive tools.
Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
A VSCode extension built to assist the creation and debugging of kaitai struct files
A bestiary of evolutionary, swarm and other metaphor-based algorithms
A driver, parser and real time brainwave plotter for NeuroSky MindWave EEG headset
The Rexx Language Support plugin leverages the language server protocol to provide syntax awareness, syntax coloring and autocomplete features for Rexx code.
A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
Research and supporting resources for the "When Your Happy Dreams Are About Dying", a presentation about avoiding and mitigating burnout - especially for Free Software/Open Source project participa…
Eclipse Theia is a cloud & desktop IDE framework implemented in TypeScript.
🌩️ A list of awesome online development environments
A util to manipulate Blood Omen's pill.big game file
Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles
Ansible playbook for docker-registry
Generate an Angular 5 CRUD application from an existing database schema (we provide a sample one)
CommonMark/Markdown Java parser with source level AST. CommonMark 0.28, emulation of: pegdown, kramdown,, MultiMarkdown. With HTML to MD, MD to PDF, MD to DOCX conversion modules.
✅ List of links to the various checkers out there on the web for sites, domains, security etc.
A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning Rust