Source code for Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing | PHP project
###Synopsis EKS is a Academic Project for Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing. Since the cloud is not trusted, the data should be stored in an encrypted form at the server. But the problem is how to query the encrypted data efficiently. Encrypted data includes encrypted files as well as encrpyted keywords. So basically whatever data that is stored on cloud is in encrpted form.
###Technologies used:
- PHP and MySQL Database
- CodeIgniter MVC Framework
###Algorithms used:
- AES mcrypt rijndael 256
- N-Grams generation
- jaccard coefficient calculation
###Useful Credentials:
- username:
- password: 1234567890
- admin-username: admin
- admin-password: 1234567890
###EKS live demo available at:
######Link to detailed explaination:
######Link to video demonstration: