Needs to display the map of where all the sensors are located
- Get the location from the server
- Assign each location / sensor an ID
- Constantly pull all data in for all the sensors from the server (every 60 seconds)
Clicking on a sensor location reveals the status of the sensor
- Adds a drop down area with summarized info beneath the map
- Personal messages associated with that location ???
- status of sensor meaning sunny, rainy, expected weather in the next 5 mins,
10 mins, 30 mins, 60 mins, 4 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours (clarify)
- pull in graphs from tensorflow? (Ask Michael)
Brief summary of goal to be achieved
- Explain the problem
- Explain why the solution was chosen
- Explain the basic implementation
- Have a fixed immovable nav bar at the top
Contact form at the bottom
- Send an email to the developers
- Have radio buttons to distinguish between problems or future suggestions
- Have a text field describing what the person wants to say (limit the character count?)
Overall rules:
Sexy UI Design
- Interactive buttons
- Transitions
- Animations
- Fast loading times
Responsive Design
- Looks good on any device
- Experiment with bootstrap 3
- CSS3 tricks online
- Reasonable scaling methods
Use pre-built templates
- Menus
- Custom select tags that can be styled
- Change the background color when hovering etc.