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Marling (2020)

Elizabeth Chun edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Link to CGM data Requires Data use agreement

Link to original paper

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Study Summary

This study includes 12 subjects with type 1 diabetes. Six subjects were collected from 2018 and an additional six released in 2020.

Sample Size Diabetes Type Population Group CGM Device Duration
12 Type 1 Adult (18+) Medtronic Enlite CGM 8 weeks

Covariate Data

The following data is available at the above link, in addition to the CGM data

  • meal
  • sleep
  • work
  • etc.

Pre-processing Script

Below is a script to pre-process the CGM data:

Use Agreement

This data set requires a data use agreement. See link to CGM data for details.

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