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Extension for detecting mobile devices, managing mobile view types, redirect to mobile version for Nette Framework (2.4+)


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Detect mobile devices, manage mobile view and redirect to the mobile and tablet version for Nette Framework


This extension use Mobile_Detect class and provides the following features:

  • Detect the various mobile devices by name, OS, browser User-Agent
  • Manages site views for the variuos mobile devices (mobile, tablet, full)
  • Redirects to mobile and tablet sites


The best way to install ipub/mobile-detect is using Composer:

	"require": {
		"ipub/mobile-detect": "dev-master"

After that you have to register extension in config.neon.

	mobileDetect: IPub\MobileDetect\DI\MobileDetectExtension

Package contains trait, which you will have to use in class, where you want to use mobile detector. This works only for PHP 5.3+, for older version you can simply copy trait content and paste it into class where you want to use it.


class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter

	use IPub\MobileDetect\TMobileDetect;


You have to add few lines in base presenter or base control in section createTemplate


class BasePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	protected function createTemplate($class = NULL)
		// Init template
		$template = parent::createTemplate($class);

		// Add mobile detect and its helper to template
		$template->_mobileDetect	= $this->mobileDetect;
		$template->_deviceView		= $this->deviceView;

		return $template;


You can change default behaviour of your redirects with action parameter:

  • redirect: redirects to appropriate host with your current path
  • noRedirect: no redirection (default behaviour)
  • redirectWithoutPath: redirects to appropriate host index page
	# Mobile detector
				isEnabled: true				# default false
				host:		# with scheme (http|https), default null, url validate
				statusCode: 301				# default 302
				action: redirect			# redirect, noRedirect, redirectWithoutPath
				isEnabled: false			# default false
				host:		# with scheme (http|https), default null, url validate
				statusCode: 301				# default 302
				action: redirect			# redirect, noRedirect, redirectWithoutPath
			detectTabletAsMobile: true		# default false
			saveRefererPath: false			# default true
											# true	=> redirectUrl =
											# false	=> redirectUrl =

Usage in PHP files

Switch device view

For switch device view, use device_view GET parameter:{full/mobile/tablet}

How to use in presenter etc.

In presenters or other services where you import mobile detector you could create calls like this

class SomePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter
	 * @var \IPub\MobileDetect\MobileDetect
	protected $mobileDetect

	 * Some action with mobile detection
	public function someAction()
		if ($this->mobileDetect->isMobile()) {
			// whatever

Check type device


Check phone


// etc.

Check tablet

is[BlackBerryTablet|iPad|Kindle|SamsungTablet|HTCtablet|MotorolaTablet|AsusTablet|NookTablet|AcerTablet| YarvikTablet|GenericTablet]

// etc.

Check mobile OS


// etc.

Check mobile browser User-Agent


// etc.

Using in Latte

Check device type

	<span>This content will be only on mobile devices....</span>

	<span>This content will be only on tablet devices....</span>

	<span>This content will be only on phone devices....</span>

Available Latte macros:




Check device type by provided name

{isMobileDevice 'iPhone'}
	<span>This content will be only on Apple iPhone devices....</span>

<div n:isMobileDevice="iPhone">
	<span>This content will be only on Apple iPhone devices....</span>

Check device OS by provided name

{isMobileOs 'iOS'}
	<span>This content will be only on mobile devices with iOS operating system....</span>

<div n:isMobileOs="iOS">
	<span>This content will be only on mobile devices with iOS operating system....</span>

Check view type set by helper

With view type detector you could change your default layout in templates.

	{layout '../Path/To/Your/Mobile/Device/@layout.latte'}

	{layout '../Path/To/Your/Tablet/Device/@layout.latte'}

	{layout '../Path/To/Your/Phone/Device/@layout.latte'}

	{layout '../Path/To/Your/Full/View/@layout.latte'}

	{layout '../Path/To/Your/Not/Mobile/Device/@layout.latte'}