It has been really exciting to see the explosion of applications and experiments using js-ipfs, the number of people building things on the distributed web and clever ways that push js-ipfs beyond. Of course, with the growth of interest, the number of issues reported and features requested has grown, which have received the best of our attention and capacity.
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to deal with all the demand but that is something that we want to change. After giving a lot of thought on ways to bring back the fast dev momentum, I'm happy to announce that We are bringing the js-ipfs Dev Team Weekly Sync ups back!, a space for the js-ipfs contributors to sync up, discuss and pick the priorities, creating a more informed and up to date roadmap that users can follow.
We are not planning to reinvent the wheel, instead, we will bring some of the best practices we had in the past, namely:
- Weekly Sync Up
- Kanban style management through the Waffle Board (waffle js-ipfs)
- Optional focused 2-week sprints on a certain feature or bug fix
- Monthly group check-in for retrospective and proposals to improve our process
The first sync up is To Be Announced, but ideally, it will happen right after the IPFS All Hands Call. The target date is currently Jan 29th.
Everyone is welcome to join the sync up calls, however, they will mostly fast-paced conversation on the work at hand. You can use the IPFS All Hands Call for discussion and questions.
Meanwhile, make sure to check glance through the Waffle Board. Will update this issue with the scheduled call soon.
Update: Read the MGMT doc to learn how we track and categorize work.