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IPFS Website (

Image of IPFS website displayed on a laptop

This repository contains code and content for the official IPFS Project website, located at This site acts as a high-level overview of the IPFS project, offering valuable introductory information and next-steps pathways for prospective and current IPFS users and developers, members of the press, and more.

Please note that some sites closely related to this primary IPFS website have their own repos:

For site developers

Build and run locally

To build a local copy, run the following:

# install dependencies
$ pnpm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ pnpm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ pnpm run build
$ pnpm run start

# generate static project
$ pnpm run generate

PR and preview

Once you're happy with your local changes, please make a PR against the main branch. Including detailed notes on your PR - particularly screenshots to depict any changes in UI - will help speed up approval and deployment.

All PRs against main automatically generate Fleek previews to make it easier to "check your work". You can view your PR's preview by clicking Details in the fleek/build check at the bottom of your PR page:

A reviewer will be by shortly to have a look!


This site's codebase is under active maintenance by members of the core IPFS team.


© Protocol Labs | Code is licensed with the MIT License. Except as noted, other content licensed CC-BY 3.0.