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Zh Admin Vue


Zh Admin Vue is a free and open source middle and back-end template. Using the latest vue3, vite2, TypeScript and other mainstream technology development, the out-of-the-box middle and back-end front-end solutions can also be used for learning reference.


  • State of The Art Development:Use front-end front-end technology development such as Vue3/vite2
  • TypeScript: Application-level JavaScript language


Test account: any/any


  • node and git - Project development environment
  • Vite - Familiar with vite features
  • Vue3 - Familiar with Vue basic syntax
  • TypeScript - Familiar with the basic syntax of TypeScript
  • Es6+ - Familiar with es6 basic syntax
  • Vue-Router-Next - Familiar with the basic use of vue-router
  • Element-Plus - ui basic use
  • Mock.js - mockjs basic syntax

Install and use

  • Get the project code
git clone
  • Installation dependencies
cd zh-admin-vue

pnpm install
  • run
pnpm serve
  • build
pnpm build

How to contribute

You are very welcome to join!Raise an issue Or submit a Pull Request。

Pull Request:

  1. Fork code!
  2. Create your own branch: git checkout -b feat/xxxx
  3. Submit your changes: git commit -am 'feat(function): add xxxxx'
  4. Push your branch: git push origin feat/xxxx
  5. submitpull request

Git Contribution submission specification

  • reference vue specification (Angular)

    • feat Add new features
    • fix Fix the problem/BUG
    • style The code style is related and does not affect the running result
    • perf Optimization/performance improvement
    • refactor Refactor
    • revert Undo edit
    • test Test related
    • docs Documentation/notes
    • chore Dependency update/scaffolding configuration modification etc.
    • workflow Workflow improvements
    • ci Continuous integration
    • types Type definition file changes
    • wip In development





Project Info

  • nrm(1.2.5, taobao) + nvm(1.1.7) + node(16.17.0)
  • vue3(3.2.31) + TS(4.5.5) + Pinia(2.0.11) + vite(2.8.4)
  • eslint(8.5.0): vs code download eslint plugin and config it.
  • vue-router(4.0.12)
  • element plus(2.1.8)
  • axios(0.26.0)
  • moment.js(2.29.1), use dayjs(1.11.6) to replace momentjs
  • iconfont
  • pinia data persistence:
  • vs code plugin
    1. eslint: Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code
    2. vue languange features(volar): beautify vue3 code
    3. koroFileHeader: comments standard, config as below
    // file header
    "fileheader.customMade": { // 头部注释
        "Author": "zzh",
        "Date": "Do not edit",
        "LastEditors": "zzh",
        "LastEditTime": "Do not edit",
        "Description": "",
        "FilePath": "Do not edit" // 增加此项配置即可
    "fileheader.cursorMode": { // 函数注释
        "description": "",
        "param": "params",
        "return": ""
    "fileheader.configObj": {
        "autoAdd": false, // 默认开启自动添加头部注释,当文件没有设置头部注释时保存会自动添加
        "autoAlready": true, // 默认开启
        "prohibitAutoAdd": [
        ], // 禁止.json .md文件,自动添加头部注释
        "wideSame": false, // 设置为true开启
        "wideNum": 13 // 字段长度 默认为13


NOTE:表示在使用时可能会进行修改 TODO:表示有想法为执行或者还没有时间去做的功能


  1. 定义系统路由时,name 不能相同
  2. 传递时间,默认使用字符串类型
  3. 表格标题不要存在换行,尽可能不留白
  4. 组件名与路由定义时的name保持一致,否则界面缓存不起作用