Mixpanel integration for use with React Native apps built on Expo.
Forked from @bothrs/expo-mixpanel-analytics
to add support for Expo 45.
yarn add 'investengine/expo-mixpanel-analytics'
Your React Native app's screen resolution, app name, app ID, app version, device information and multiple other parameters will be automatically resolved and sent with each event.
import ExpoMixpanelAnalytics from '@investengine/expo-mixpanel-analytics';
const analytics = new ExpoMixpanelAnalytics("5224da5bbbed3fdeaad0911820f1bf2x");
analytics.register({ email: "bob@bob.com" }); // super props sent on every request and persisted in AsyncStorage
analytics.track("Signed Up", { "Referred By": "Friend" });
analytics.people_set({ "$first_name": "Joe", "$last_name": "Doe", "$email": "joe.doe@example.com", "$created": "2013-04-01T13:20:00", "$phone": "4805551212", "Address": "1313 Mockingbird Lane", "Birthday": "1948-01-01" });
analytics.people_set_once({ "First login date": "2013-04-01T13:20:00" });
analytics.people_unset([ "Days Overdue" ]);
analytics.people_increment({ "Coins Gathered": 12 });
analytics.people_append({ "Power Ups": "Bubble Lead" });
analytics.people_union({ "Items purchased": ["socks", "shirts"] });