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InterSystems IRIS x AWS Aurora (MySQL) 5.6.10a (parallel query)

This document explains how to use the scripts we provide to quickly deploy the Speed Test against InterSystems IRIS and AWS Aurora. If you haven't done so yet, please follow instructions here for the initial setup. There you will also find a diagram of how this is going to work.

Provisioning the Initial environment on AWS

On this step, we will provision the initial environment on AWS which includes:

  • All the machines for InterSystems IRIS, the InterSystems IRIS Speed Test and AWS RDS Aurora Speed Test.
  • It will all be provisioned on the same VPC.

Once we are done with the steps above, we will know our AWS VPC. We will use this information to manually deploy AWS Aurora on the same VPC later on.

1 - Start ICM

You have clonned this repo to a folder on your PC. Now, open a terminal and change to the ICM folder. Run the script to start the icm container:


Then, from inside the ICM container, you change to the directory /ICMDurable:

cd /ICMDurable

2 - Setup

Run the script and answer the questions as follows:

/ICMDurable # ./

Please enter with the label for your ICM machines (ex: asamaryTest1):

Answer: asamaryAuroraMySQL

Do you want InterSystems IRIS with Mirroring (answer yes or something else if not)?:**

Answer: yes

AWS Aurora is deployed with replication between two availability zones. So we will deploy InterSystems IRIS in the same way.

How many Speed Test Masters do you want?:

Answer: 2

How many Ingestion Workers per Master?:

Answer: 1

How many Query Workers per Master?:

Answer: 1

Please enter with the AWS instance type:

Answer: Pick the option for m5.xlarge

Is this going to be a containerless installation of InterSystems IRIS (answer yes or something else if not)?:

Answer: yes

After this last question, you will see a message like:

ICM configured to provision m5.xlarge machines on AWS.
You can now change to /ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL and run ./ to provision the infrastructure on AWS.

So, change to the folder that it is indicating:

/ICMDurable # cd ./Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL/

3 - Provision

Run the script. It will create the machines on AWS:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./

It should take about 2 minutes to finish.

ICM Provision Troubleshooting

If ICM is taking a long time to run, that is because something bad is happening. It will stop eventually and tell you what is wrong. But if you want to look right now what is wrong instead of waiting, you can look at the terraform.err file and see what is happening:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # cat ./state/asamaryAuroraMySQL-IRISSpeedTest/terraform.err

Just replace "asamaryAuroraMySQL" by the label you picked which happens to be the name of the folder you are.

Either way, you will see the error eventually. Here is a list of errors I encountered:

  • ExpiredToken: The security token included in the request is expired": Your AWS credentials have expired and you need to get a new one. Repeat the step "Getting your AWS Credentials" and just run the ./ script again.
  • Error import KeyPair: InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate: The keypair '?' already exists.: There is already a key called ? on EC2. Open EC2 on AWS, go to Key Pairs, find it and delete it.

It is normal to see some instances of "SSH operation failed" on the output. The machines are being provisioned by AWS and ICM keeps trying to SSH into them to continue with the setup process. If AWS hasn't finished provisioning the machines, we will get an SSH error. That is normal and ICM will just retry. Don't worry.

4 - Deploy InterSystems IRIS

Run the script. It deploys InterSystems IRIS for you:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./

This script will make ICM copy the InterSystems IRIS install kit to the machine on AWS and install it. So depending on your network, it may be very fast or take longer. On my PC, running from the office, it took 3 minutes.

When done, you will notice that ICM will write on the screen the URL for the management portal. Save that. You can open the management portal using the user SuperUser and the password sys. You will notice that there is a namespace called SPEEDTEST. This is where the speed test table will be created. You will be able to look at its contents during and after the speed test is run.

5 - Deploy the Speed Test for InterSystems IRIS

Run the script:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./

It will present you a menu asking which speed test you want to deploy. Choose the option for InterSystems IRIS:

Please, specify which speedtest you want to deploy. Available options are:

	 iris  - InterSystems IRIS

	 hana  - AWS Aurora

	 aurora  - AWS Aurora

	 sqlserver  - AWS RDS SQL Server

Answer: iris

Deploying the Speed Test for InterSystems IRIS should take less then 2 minutes. You will see something like the following at the end:

URL to SpeedTest | InterSystems IRIS Speed Test is at:

If you are planning on deploying AWS Aurora, AWS Aurora or any other AWS database, deploy them on the VPC_ID vpc-0e1734aabf07ddba1.


Take note of this URL! You can open it right now and you should be able to click at the Run Test button to run the speed test against InterSystems IRIS for the first time. Please, click on the button only one and wait. It takes a couple of seconds to start populating the screen with results.

You can leave it running for 5 minutes or so. It will pre-expand the InterSystems IRIS database for us. So when we run it again to compare against AWS Aurora, the database will be pre-expanded as in any production system.

Also, please note that we have just told you the AWS VPC_ID. Take note of that! When deploying AWS Aurora, you must deploy it on this VPC!

6 - Deploy AWS Aurora 2.0 Express Edition

InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS Speed Test are deployed and you know the VPC_ID where they are. Here is what else we need to do:

  • 6.1 - Manually deploy AWS Aurora on the same VPC_ID
  • 6.2 - Take note of its Endpoint.

6.1 - Manually deploy AWS Aurora

Click here to open AWS RDS.

  • Click on the button Create Database
  • At "Choose a database creation method", pick option Standard Create
  • Under "Engine options":
    • At "Engine type" pick option Amazon Aurora
    • At "Edition" pick option Amazon Aurora with MySQL compatibility
    • At "Version" pick option Aurora (MySQL)-5.6.10a
  • At "Database Features" pick option One writer and multiple readers - Parallel Query
  • Under "Settings":
    • At "DB cluster identifier" enter with speedtest
    • At "Credential Settings" leave "Master username" as admin and set the password to admin123
  • At "DB instance size", pick db.r5.xlarge (careful: don't take db.r5.large by mistake!)
  • At "Availability & durability" leave it as Create an Aurora Replica/Reader node in a different AZ (recommended for scaled availability)
  • Under "Connectivity":
    • At "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)", pick the VPC_ID created for us on the previous steps
    • At "Subnet group", leave it with Create new DB subnet Group
    • At "Publicly accessible", leave it with No
    • At "VPC security group", leave it with Choose existing and pick the one named YourLabel-VM-IRISSpeedTestext
  • At "Database authentication" leave it with Password authentication
  • Under "Additional Configuration":
    • Set "Initial database name" with SPEEDTEST
    • Disable Encryption
    • Disable Enhanced Monitoring
    • Disable deletion protection
  • Click on Create Database

6.2 - Take note of AWS Aurora's Endpoint

After pressing the Create Database button, you will be taken to the management page for your new database. While AWS Aurora is being created you can click on its main identifier (speedtest) and look for its endpoints. It should have two endpoints: One for the Writer and another for the Reader (the replica). They look like "".

Take note of both of them!

7 - Deploy Speed Test for AWS Aurora

Alright! AWS Aurora is deployed and ready! Did you get its End point? We can now run the script again to deploy AWS Aurora:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./

Please, specify which speedtest you want to deploy. Available options are:

	 iris  - InterSystems IRIS

	 hana  - AWS Aurora

	 aurora  - AWS Aurora

	 sqlserver  - AWS RDS SQL Server

Answer: aurora

Enter with AWS Aurora Express's WRITER end point:

Answer: Enter with Enter with AWS Aurora's end point:

Enter with AWS Aurora's username (admin):

Answer: admin

Enter with AWS Aurora's password:

Answer: admin123

The deployment will start. This should take less than 2 minutes to deploy and you should see at the end:

URL to SpeedTest | AWS Aurora Speed Test is at:


Now you have the URL for InterSystems IRIS Speed Test and the URL for AWS Aurora's Speed Test! Open it.

Click on the Settings button and make sure you adjust the Data Query's JDBC URL to use the READER end point instead of the WRITER end point. That will make AWS Aurora:

  • About 35% faster for ingestion than AWS Aurora without it
  • About 44% faster for querying than AWS Aurora without it
  • Although you could, you don't need to bother doing such configuration for InterSystems IRIS.

We are ready to make the comparison now!

8 - Comparing the Databases

Open both Speed Tests on your browser. Press the Settings button. Change the maximum time to run the speed test for 1200 seconds (20minutes).

Now just hit the Run Test button. If you get an error after pressing the Run Test button, try going back to the terminal and running the bouncespeedtest script:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./

This will restart the containers for the Speed Test application for both InterSystems IRIS and Aurora. Try again and it should work.

After clicking on Run Test, it should immediately change to Starting.... For InterSystems IRIS, this may take a long time since we are pre-expanding the database to its full capacity before starting the test (something that we would normally do on any production system). InterSystems IRIS is a hybrid database (In Memory performance with all the benefits of traditional databases). So InterSystems IRIS still needs to have its disk database properly expanded. Just wait for it. We could not find a way of doing the same for AWS Aurora, so what we did was to run the Speed Test once on AWS Aurora to "warm it up". Then we did the actual test against InterSystems IRIS.

Warning: InterSystems IRIS Database expansion can take a long time. We have given a lot of disk to InterSystems IRIS so we can let the test running for more than 20min without filling up the disk. Just be patient. You may want to go to the InterSystems IRIS Management portal to check the expansion status.

If you needed to run the bounce speed test script, make sure you reconfigure the maximum time for running the test above again.

After 20 minutes, here are my results when using AWS Aurora's replica for reading:

Database Machine Run time Avg Inserts/s Tot Records Inserted Avg Queries/s Tot Records Retrieved AEOT Query Response Time AEOT
InterSystems IRIS 2020.2 m5.xlarge 1200s 118K rec/sec 141,637,000 25,384 rec/sec 30,453,442 0.0349ms
AWS Aurora MySQL (using replica) db.r5.xlarge 1200s 8,733 rec/sec 10,474,000 18,100 rec/sec 21,705,916 0.0507ms

InterSystems IRIS:

  • Ingested 1252.3% more records
  • Was ingesting them 1252% faster
  • Retrieved 40.4% more records
  • Was retrieving them 40.3% faster

AWS Aurora has two advantages over InterSystems:

  • AWS Aurora had twice the amount of memory: m5.xlarge has the same characteristics of db.r5.xlarge with the exception that m5.xlarge has only 16Gb of RAM while db.r5.xlarge has 32Gb of RAM.
  • We were redirecting the queries to AWS Aurora's replica so it could be faster. We could have done the same with InterSystems IRIS, but it has a cost for both databases: The replica is always behind. So you would be fetching stale data. AWS Aurora has no way of fixing this. InterSystems IRIS offers the possibility of adding more compute nodes that are always consistent with transactional data. We will be doing another version of this test with ECP to show this concept in the future.

And here are the "apples to apples" result (Writing and Reading to the same box):

Database Machine Run time Avg Inserts/s Tot Records Inserted Avg Queries/s Tot Records Retrieved AEOT Query Response Time AEOT
InterSystems IRIS 2020.2 m5.xlarge 1200s 118K rec/sec 141,637,000 25,384 rec/sec 30,453,442 0.0349ms
AWS Aurora MySQL (not using replica) db.r5.xlarge 1200s 7,586 rec/sec 9,099,000 5,510 rec/sec 6,608,734 0.1795ms

InterSystems IRIS compared apple to apples to AWS Aurora:

  • Ingested 1456.7% more records
  • Was ingesting them 1456.3% faster
  • Retrieved 360.9% more records
  • Was retrieving them 360.7% faster

9 - Unprovision everything

We must first delete AWS Aurora's. Wait for it to finish. AWS Aurora is on our VPC. If we don't delete it first, we can't unprovision the Speed Test using ICM because we won't be able to delete that VPC (AWS Aurora would be using it).

After AWS Aurora is gone, proceed and run the script:

/ICMDurable/Deployments/asamaryAuroraMySQL # ./
Warning: This will delete the existing configuration, including all persistent data volumes.
Type "yes" to confirm:

Answer: yes

ICM will now destroy all the machines, volumes and network configurations provisioned. This should take about 4 minutes.

After ICM is done, make sure you:

  • Verify on EC2 Dashboard if all the instances under the label you used are gone
  • Verify on EC2 Volumes if all the volumes under the label you used are gone

10 - Screenshots

Here is the end result of AWS Aurora's test: AWS Aurora MySQL Results

Here is the end result of AWS Aurora's test "apple to apples": AWS Aurora MySQL Results "apple to apples"

Here is the end result of InterSystems IRIS test: InterSystems IRIS Results