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Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Heritrix Version Numbering

This reflects the version numbering convention to be used starting just before the 3.0.1 release.

H3 and up version numbers are of the form X.Y.Z or X.Y.Z-SUFFIX.


X is an integer major version number. As of 2010, the latest major version number is '3'. If the major version number changes, there have been major changes in functionality and operation which may require significant adaptation of processes and other related software which uses Heritrix or its outputs.

Y is an integer minor version number. As of October 2010, under the major version "3", the largest minor version number is "0". (Though, some development builds under the old version numbering scheme were numbered "3.1.1-SNAPSHOT".) Increments to the minor release number occur when notable new functionality has been added, but prior processes and software should continue to work, with only small changes as detailed in release notes.

Z is an integer micro/patch version number. Before the 3.0.1 release, the largest micro version number under "3.0" in an official release was "0" (for "3.0.0"). (Work in progress was named with a "1" micro number, originally "3.1.1-SNAPSHOT" under the older conventions but now simply "3.0.1-SNAPSHOT".) Increments to the micro version number occur when an official release includes bugfixes and minor new functionality. We try to maintain compatibility of configuration formats and even checkpoints between micro-release-increments, though some adaptation may be required as described in release notes.

(Any of these X,Y,Z numbers is not limited to the range 0-9, and the ordering is based on the full number, not the leading digit. So "8.10.0" comes after "8.9.99" – because "10" in the middle is greater than "9".)


If a version has a SUFFIX of "SNAPSHOT" – for example, "3.0.1-SNAPSHOT" – it is one of the development builds from our automatic continuous build service in preparation for the version listed. (That is, many "3.0.1-SNAPSHOT" builds will precede the single official "3.0.1" release.) A "-SNAPSHOT" build had received only minimal automatic testing and may have serious known bugs. Such builds are recommended only for experts and developers who can troubleshoot many problems themselves. (TODO: determine how -SNAPSHOT builds are distinguished once unpacked from the timestamp/build-number that appears on their distribution packaging.)

Other suffixes of "alpha", "beta", "rc1", "rc2", etc. indicate ever-closer-to-release specific development versions leading up to the named version. Each suffix (unlike "SNAPSHOT") will be a unique build. Each connotes more confidence in the build's suitability for production use. Advanced users are encouraged to try these releases, especially the 'rc' release-candidates, to get an early look at new features and test anything unique about their crawls to allow any discovered problems to be found before final release.


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