#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
using namespace cl::sycl;
int main() {
queue q;
q.submit([&](handler &cgh) {
int w = 512;
cgh.single_task<class are_you_broken>([=]() {
printf("%d \n", w);
return 0;
So it's a pretty simple example, just trying to capture a value and print it, however when using ComputeCPP (1.0) I'll get the correct value 512 inside the single_task, in the Intel implementation I get an arbitrary large integer value (e.g. 946443008). The contrived example should be directly and quickly usable to see if it is indeed a bug in the implementation or if I'm mistaken and its an issue on my end!
I used the following command: clang++ -std=c++11 -fsycl possibly_broken_capture.cpp -o possibly_broken_capture -lsycl -lOpenCL
When I compile just the device side code the header indicates that SemaSYCL does find the parameter and treats it as { kernel_param_kind_t::kind_std_layout, 4, 0 }.
Note: In my test version of the example I have a device selector that forces it to choose Intel OCL, so both SYCL runtimes should find the same OCL implementation.