In many video conferencing scenarios, it may not be desirable to show the background behind the user. To improve the user experience, background blur skill can be used to blur out the background, thereby focusing attention on the user. This skill uses OpenVINO™ based AI inference to segment out the person(s) and blur everything else in the video or image.
- Any size image with BGRA (8 bit) color format
- Background blurred image with BGRA (8 bit) color format
For details on Windows* Vision Skills API, please refer to Microsoft* documentation. Background blur skill implements three components:
Implements Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillDescriptor.
Constructor for background blur descriptor runtime class component.
Parameters: None
Returns: Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillDescriptor as Intel::AI::Skills::BackgroundBlur::BackgroundBlurDescriptor
Returns structure containing information about the skill which includes name, description, author, publisher and version.
SkillInformation Information()
Parameters: None
Returns: SkillInformation information
Returns the set of input features used by the skill.
IVectorView<ISkillFeatureDescriptor> InputFeatureDescriptors()
Parameters: None
Returns: IVectorView<Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillFeatureDescriptor> inputFeatures
Returns the set of output features provided by the skill.
IVectorView<ISkillFeatureDescriptor> OutputFeatureDescriptors()
Parameters: None
Returns: IVectorView<Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillFeatureDescriptor> outputFeatures
Returns a list of devices of hardware accelerators available on the platform which can be used to execute the skill logic.
IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<ISkillExecutionDevice>> GetSupportedExecutionDevicesAsync()
Parameters: None
Returns: IVectorView<Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillExecutionDevice> outputFeatures
Instantiates the background blur skill. The execution device is automatically selected by the skill.
Parameters: None
Returns: Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkill backgroundBlurSkill
Instantiates the background blur skill using the executionDevice provided by the user.
IAsyncOperation<ISkill>CreateSkillAsync(ISkillExecutionDevice executionDevice)
Parameters: Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillExecutionDevice executionDevice
Returns: Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkill backgroundBlurSkill
Implements Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkill.
Instantiates the background blur binding object.
IAsyncOperation<ISkillBinding> CreateSkillBindingAsync()
Parameters: None
Returns: Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillBinding as Intel::AI::Skills::BackgroundBlur::BackgroundBlurBinding
Executes the skill logic using input features provided by the binding object.
IAsyncAction EvaluateAsync(ISkillBinding const binding)
Parameters: Intel::AI::Skills::BackgroundBlur::BackgroundBlurBinding binding
Returns: Asynchronous method with no direct return value
Implements Microsoft::AI::Skills::SkillInterfacePreview::ISkillBinding. The background blur binding is created by BackgroundBlurSkill object.
Uses the VideoFrame object (frame) and binds it to the input. This is the image frame on which background blur is performed.
IAsyncAction SetInputImageAsync(VideoFrame const frame)
Parameters: Windows::Media::VideoFrame frame
Returns: Asynchronous method with no direct return value
Returns the output image with background blurred
IAsyncOperation<VideoFrame> GetOutputImageAsync()
Parameters: None
Returns: VideoFrame
The application developer starts with a C# XAML form based project. As a first step, s/he needs to ingest background blur skill by installing the nuget package from appropriate location. This makes all background blur skill APIs available to use. The GUI design is up to the application developer. Below pseudo code show how the skill APIs can be used to perform background blur.
using Intel.AI.Skills.BackgroundBlur;
using Microsoft.AI.Skills.SkillInterfacePreview;
BackgroundBlurDescriptor skillDescriptor = null;
IReadOnlyList<ISkillExecutionDevice> availableExecutionDevices = null;
BackgroundBlurSkill skill = null;
BackgroundBlurBinding binding = null;
int selectedDeviceId = 0;
// Instantiate skill descriptor
skillDescriptor = new BackgroundBlurDescriptor();
// Get list of available execution devices
availableExecutionDevices = await skillDescriptor.GetSupportedExecutionDevicesAsync();
// Initialize skill with the selected execution device
skill = await skillDescriptor.CreateSkillAsync(availableExecutionDevices[selectedDeviceId]) as BackgroundBlurSkill;
// Instantiate skill binding object
binding = await skill.CreateSkillBindingAsync() as BackgroundBlurBinding;
// Set input image frame which can be from a camera feed or a file read
await binding.SetInputImageAsync(frame);
// Run background blur skill with the binding object
await skill.EvaluateAsync(binding);
// Consume result
VideoFrame blurredOutput = await binding.GetOutputImageAsync() ;
// Display background blurred image using application's implementation of a renderer